13 adverbs to describe how to nigger

Dey said 'Hoddy,' en Mars Dugal' ax 'im ter hab a seegyar; en atter dey run on awhile 'bout de craps en de weather, Mars Dugal' ax 'im, sorter keerless, like ez ef he des thought of it, "'How you like de nigger I sole you las' spring?' "Henry's marster shuck his head en knock de ashes off'n his seegyar.

Truth or not, no damn nigger has any right to say it.

Th- they don't c-care; we're just n-nigger w-women."

Ez it happen', de shote b'long ter a cunjuh man w'at libbed down in de free-nigger sett'ement.

For two days he fluttered the leaves of his dictionary and whispered hoarsely to himself, "Tit-tat-toe, my-first-go, three-jolly-nigger-boys-all-in-a-row," picking out word after word with unerring accuracy until the dictionary was a waste of punctures and three generations of H.B.'s had passed away.

She said she had thrown away years of self- sacrifice, years of washing, a thousand little comforts her money would have bought, all for nothing, for less than nothing, to ship a fool nigger up North and to ship him back.

When we got to Richmond the whole population, principally niggers, was at the lot when we put up the tents, and everybody wanted to catch a sight of Dennis, the ourang outang, and the posters all over town that pictured Dennis smoking cigarettes with a dress suit on, and eating with a knife and fork and a napkin tucked under his chin, were surrounded by crowds.

"'You take dis yer sweet'n' 'tater,' sez she,'I done goophered it 'speshly fer dat noo nigger, so you better not eat it yo'se'f er you'll wush you had n',en slip off ter town, en fin' dat strange man, en gib 'im dis yer sweet'n' 'tater.

"'Wat you mean, nigger?' sez she, ketchin' holt er a bush by de road

There will be a dead nigger aboard unless you jump when I speak.

But dere's some triflin' niggers down yere who'll sell der votes for almost nuffin.

He was a comely nigger, black as night, an' he sho' could read out of his han'.

One ob de men asked Mr. Foster, "Where at dat dn nigger?"

13 adverbs to describe how to  nigger  - Adverbs for  nigger