7 Metaphors for assaulting

"You can't prove anything about this jail-burning," he told Jake Rule and the assembled multitude, "but this assault on Jack Harpe is a cat with another tail.

In the other course, on Christian Evidences, he did not include any discussion on Theism whichprobably because of his special familiarity with the Deistical and kindred controversies, and also because the modern assaults on supernatural Christianity from the Evolutionary and Agnostic standpoint had not yet become pressinghe postulated.

The assault on Marye's Hill was an equally fatal military mistake.

The assaults on us have been the direct result of a firm stand for a new sanitary order of things, established in the interest of the whole body of inhabitants of these islands, civilized and uncivilized.

It is thus seen that the assault upon and reduction of Fort Sumter was in no sense a matter of self-defense on the part of the assailants.

Even his patriotic songs, "The Lyre and the Sword," were a cause of disagreement, for Caroline, like so many women, deified Napoleon, and her lover's lyric assaults upon him were so much sacrilege; while to him her adoration of that personified prairie-fire, who had devastated the Fatherland, was treason.

Burlingame at once started on the journey; but Brooks declined to go, on the excuse that his life would not be safe on such a trip through the North. Broadened into national significance by all these attendant circumstances, the Sumner assault became a leading event in the great slavery contest between the South and North.

7 Metaphors for  assaulting