15 Metaphors for berried

"These salmon-berries are a kind of a half-way between our blackberries and strawberries.

In my mind formed only such elementary ideas as "Soon more grapes," "These berries are not the best," "More walnuts," "Oh, a spring; I must drink there.

The salmon-berry was fully ripe, a large and luscious berry, found in two colours, yellow and dark red.

This peper tree hath his floure and berry like in all parts to our Iuie berry, and those berries be graines of peper: so that when they gather them they be greene, and then they lay them in the Sunne, and they become blacke.

The berries of this species are, however, the principal attraction, being orange-scarlet, and produced in dense clusters.

But the berries of both were food for the Paiutes, eagerly sought and traded for as far south as Shoshone Land.

This is almost a counterpart of our native species, but instead of black the berries are brilliant scarlet.

Bull berries (Shepherdia argentea) were a favorite fruit, and were gathered in large quantities, as was also the white berry of the red willow.

Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Stebbins were notaries public.

They all went on horseback, for the berries were a long way from camp.

Mr. Berry, the father, was a little 'merry man with a round face,' whom no one would have suspected of sacrificing 'all for love, and the world well lost.'

Unhappily the American goose-berry is but a hollow mockery, at best" "Ha?" said Mr. Cassilis, dubiously.

The berries are deep violet-purple, and fully half-an-inch long.

In my mind formed only such elementary ideas as "Soon more grapes," "These berries are not the best," "More walnuts," "Oh, a spring; I must drink there.

"Some day this winter when you are taking a walk you may see them on the ground under chestnut and beech trees, and in old pastures where the red sumach berries are the only bright things left above the snow.

15 Metaphors for  berried