23 Metaphors for evolutions

The Christian sees that evolution is as much a law of religion as of nature.

These evolutions are so many inflections.

But no doctrine is better accepted than that in some way Evolution and not Special Creations is the scheme of the world.

Evolution was a stern inevitable seeking of nature for perfection, for the unattainable.

And it is a broad fact that, the lower we go in the scale of organization, the fewer signs are there of convergence towards the primitive form from whence all must have diverged, if evolution be a fact.

It is because biological evolution is essentially an historical doctrine that its votaries should not be too eager to apply it directly to ethics.

The word rendered "evolutions" is kheperu, literally "rollings"; and that rendered "primeval matter" is paut, the original "stuff" out of which everything was made.

The evolution of the tribal deity from the local wonderworker, whose shrine enclosed his image, to the impersonal and distant but awful power who held the earth beneath his sway, was Mahomet's contribution to the mental development of his country, and the achievement within those confines was wonderful.

EVOLUTION AS SPACE-CONQUEST Evolution is a struggle for, and a conquest of, space; for evolution, as the word implies, is a drawing out of what is inherent from latency into objective reality, or in other words into spatialand temporalextension.

The word rendered "evolutions" is kheperu, literally "rollings"; and that rendered "primeval matter" is paut, the original "stuff" out of which everything was made.

Evolution is the development of new organisms through heredity, variation, and adaptation.

However, as "evolution has become the axiom of science and is admitted by every one who has the slightest pretensions to be considered a competent authority," it is preposterous to suppose man an exception, whatever be the difficulties.

The evolution of the universe is thus the evolution of God himself.

Evolution has become a spiritual formula.

The evolution of the Personal Factor is therefore the point with which we are most concerned.

But we thought evolution was a change from the homogeneous, incoherent to the heterogeneous and coherent: surely the change from five toes to one must have been a misfortune on the whole, if the flexibility of the human hand accounts for man's intellect.

The evolution of this one moment of passion is lyric form, whose unity lies in personality exclusively, however it may seem to involve the external world which is its imagery,its body lifted from the dust, woven of light and air, but alive only while the spirit abides there.

In short, with respect to every thing self-subsistent, the summit of its nature is produced by a superior cause, but the evolution of that summit is its own spontaneous energy; and, through this it becomes self-subsistent, and self-perfect.

The law of evolution, in its complete development, then runs: "Evolution is an integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion; during which the matter passes from an indefinite, incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity; and during which the retained motion undergoes a parallel transformation.

The evolution of formal religions is not a complex process, and the fact that they embody these two unmixable things, dogma and morality, is a very plain and simple truth, easily seen, undisputed by all reasonable men.

It is Progress, and Progress is Evolution, and Evolution is Progress.

The easy evolution of thought in a melodious period, quietly taking up on its way a variety of incidental details, yet never lingering long enough over them to divert the attention or to suspend the continuous crescendo of interest, but by subtle influences of proportion allowing each clause of the sentence its separate significance, is the product of a natural gift, as rare as the gift of music, or of poetry.

Evolution is not a force, but a process; not a cause, but a law.

23 Metaphors for  evolutions