7 Metaphors for phraseologies

But as, in the reforms of the French dictionary, the ancient geographical names of places remain unaffected, the true phraseology is SAULT STE.

But his phraseology was the only thing about him that had changed.

The Song to David, with its bold mention of unfamiliar things, its warm and highly-coloured phraseology, its daring adjectives and unexampled adverbs, was an outrage upon taste, and one which was best accounted for by the tap of the forefinger on the forehead.

If Congress had intended to make so important an alteration of the existing law as to compel the receiving officers to take payment in the bank notes described in the bill, the natural phraseology would have been, "in the legal currency of the United States and in notes of banks which are payable and paid in the legal currency," etc.

They say, 'The ship is being built,''time is being wasted,"'the work is being advanced,' instead of, 'the ship is building, time is wasting, the work is advancing.' Such a phraseology is a solecism too palpable to receive any favor; it is at war with the practice of the most distinguished writers in the English language, such as Dr. Johnson and Addison.

But from that time forward the phraseology and the spirit of disunion became constant factors in Congressional debate and legislation.

For these two objects, the sun and a ship, this phraseology is so common, that the literal construction quoted above is rarely met with. OBS.

7 Metaphors for  phraseologies