11 Metaphors for sol

Small-sized soles, caught in shallow water on the coasts, are the best in flavour. FRICASSEED SOLES.

Sol, my soule; re, is all rent and torne like a raggamuffin; me, mend it, good Captaine; fa, fa,whats fa, Captaine? Bal.

Sol was a failure as a musician because, while he knew all the notes, he had nothing in himself to add to them when he played them.

Mars' Dugal' tuk Jeff ter town nex' day en' sol' 'im ter a spekilater, who sta'ted down de ribber wid 'im nex' mawnin' on a steamboat, fer ter take 'im ter Alabama.

Mercury is posited in the north angle of the fourth house; the dragon's tail is likewise within it; and as Sol is the significator, it must be gold.

And sun and moon, too, in the Sextile aspect, The soft light with the vehementso I love it; SOL is the heart, LUNA the head of heaven; Bold be the plan, fiery the execution. SENI.

Sol, the rat-catcher, Was a great body-snatcher, And with his bow and arrows He

In other circumstances it would have amused me to see the grave faces they turned towards the altar, and to hear all the while the confused scuffling as they trod on each other's toes, trying whose skin was the tenderest or whose sandal soles were the thickest.

Soles, plaice, or salmon, are the best kinds of fish to dress in this manner, although various other sorts are frequently used.

That same Sol is a pagan and a proselyte: he shined so bright all summer, that he burnt more grapes than his beams were worth, were every beam as big as a weaver's beam.

Is it a fact that, because Sol is the Latin for Sun, being on the Sun is therefore equivalent to being a SOLON?

11 Metaphors for  sol