12 Words to use with conclusion


In a spiritual reference the whole contention of Strauss against Christianity is a tissue of irrelevancies, for the spirit of it, which is its life and essence, is true whatever conclusion critics in their seraphic wisdom may come to regarding the facts (1808-1874).

Questa conclusion fu la secure

Before he had concluded his speech, it became obvious that the Jury had arrived at the conclusion to which he wished to lead them; but he went on to drive the conclusion home by a splendid peroration.

I had intended they should see the curtain drop without any discovery of the deceit; unable to invent any new incident, I left the conclusion imperfect as I found it: but they saw a more strict poetical justice done; they saw the rightful child restored to its parents, and the nurse overwhelmed with shame, and threatened with the severest punishment.


" On this sad and icy postscript to the ardent love affair, Schmidt comments: "The form of this writing leaves the conclusion plain, that Haydn was forced to this act by the Polzelli.

DONC, conj., qui marque la conclusion d'un raisonnement, la surprise, l'incrédulité; par conséquent.

So far we have only shown that such a conclusion results from a clearer insight into the theistic conception.

[sic] sexcol and name of a skull in your office and seeing the conclusion that Dr. Hare and Proffr Combe have arrived atI will say that I have looked the same over and fully concur in their conclusion save in the color of the one who once annimated [sic] that skull.

I suppose the tenour is this:'Acute diseases are the immediate and inevitable strokes of Heaven; but of them the pain is short, and the conclusion speedy; chronical disorders, by which we are suspended in tedious torture between life and death, are commonly the effect of our own misconduct and intemperance.

That writ Ile take, and a conclusion trie: If he can love he lives, if hate me die.

12 Words to use with  conclusion