9 Words to use with trespassing

Perhaps with his boisterous spirits he is prone sometimes to be over-zealous in the pursuit of trespassing tabbies and in assailing the ankles of intruding butcher boys and officious postmen.

And did myself securely bless Now my own trespass doth appear!

" Again he said, "Faults in a superior man are like eclipses of the sun or moon: when he is guilty of a trespass men all see it; and when he is himself again, all look up to him.

"Shak. "Return him a trespass offering."1

Why should men want to fight for their land when they have no land to fight forwhen the most they can do is to die at the foot of a trespass-board, singing, "Britons never, never shall be slaves!"

"I have left Ned to discuss trespass suits and leases with his land- agent," said John Effingham, as he followed Eve to the street-door.

When he quoted "'More lightly treat whom haste or heat to headlong trespass urge; The heaviest sandals fit the feet that ever tread the verge' "I was well frightened.

To the Senate and House of Representatives: I transmit to Congress a copy of a correspondence between the Secretary of State and Benjamin E. Brewster, of Philadelphia, relative to the arrest in that city of Simon Cameron, late Secretary of War, at the suit of Pierce Butler, for trespass vi et armis, assault and battery, and false imprisonment.

We were aware from our map of ancient holdings that we were ruthlessly cutting across lots over the colonial acres of one Captain Edward Ross; but, seeing neither dogs nor trespass signs, we sailed right on.

9 Words to use with  trespassing