2154 collocations for marry

"My poor dead sister's son marries your daughter.

You shall never marry another man while I live.

He was going to "make money and marry a Spanish woman."

He had never thought this about his wife People had said how extraordinarily Aylmer must have been in love to have married that uninteresting girl, no-one in particular, not pretty and a little second-rate.

Your custom of one man marrying many wives is wrong and cruel.

At his father's death John Howard came into possession of a good property; and, marrying a lady some years older than himself, settled down on his estate and passed three years of quiet happiness.

As for a Visit to your Aunt, there's some reason in't; but for the Governor, think no more upon him, I say no more. Jul. Since he's to marry my Sister, why shou'd you refuse him that Civility.

"That paper I took out of his portfolio, that paper I picked up, children; where the Colonel says he is going to marry a widow with two children.

My Mistress Mopsophil to marry a Farmer's Son!

And assuredly if he does not marry his princess, he will not live happy, and if she does not marry the prince, she will live in no beautiful palace.

My sister-in-law, R.'s wife, was also an Englishwoman; the daughter of the house had married her cousin, de Bunsen, who had been a German diplomatist, and who had made nearly all his career in Italy, at the most interesting period of her history, when she was struggling for emancipation from the Austrian rule and independence.

Joseph Atterley, my father, formerly of East Jersey, as it was once called, had settled in this place about a year before, in consequence of having married my mother, Alice Schermerhorn, the only daughter of a snug Dutch farmer in the neighbourhood.

I understand you are engaged to marry LIONEL, and that if you marry anybody else you lose your dower of twenty thousand pounds.

A man cannot marry his own niece.

"Well, then, you must know first of all, that my father married a second time, and he unfortunately chose a woman well connected enough, but heartless and an utter snob.

Fatima said to her father-in-law, 'Take me to my uncle's house,' Arriving there she married another husband.

"I am as innocent of such an ambition, as of wishing to marry the heiress of the British throne, which, I believe, just now, is the goal of all the Icaruses of our own time.

She afterwards married a gentleman named Hook, who became the first mayor of Cheyenne, where she now lives.

Maximilian, son of Emperor Frederick III, marries Mary of Burgundy.

Had his heart been pre-engaged, before the affair of Miss Frampton was proposed to him, he might not perhaps have carried his complaisance so far, as to have married the indifferent person, in spite of all his views and all his prepossessions.

The little house left him by his mother needed a mistress; he would probably marry somebody or other, anyhow; and she seemed such a harmless little thing.

So George, I have decided to marry the Duke of Ryde.

If she married King!

"You must marry Veronica," she said slowly; "nothing else can save us.

"It stands to reason, she is simply marrying the fellow for his title.

2154 collocations for  marry