50 collocations for progress

Key to progress tests in Latin.

They had progressed not more than three hundred yards when there came to them for a third time the hallooing of a voice.

The hut is progressing apace, and all agree that it should be the most perfectly comfortable habitation.

As the work progressed the interest in it increased, the more so when Diggory suggested that the figure should be supposed to represent the obnoxious Noaks, and that the company could then relieve their feelings by pelting his effigy as soon as it was completed.

Ned saw Jimmie making a noiseless progress up the little hill and turned back to the man at the gate.

Will it be believed that, except for the assertion 'of rapidly progressing preparations of France, both on water and on land', this is the only shred of evidence that the Germans have produced to prove the aggressive intentions of France?

As the campaign progressed the chances of the result underwent an important fluctuation, involving some degree of uncertainty.

My material for this last book will show what tremendous progress the civilization of two centuries on this continent has made over the lowest and wildest forms of human brotherhood.

Mr. Cross's occupation's gone, and the wild beasts have progressed nearer the Court by removing to the King's Mews.

Improvements came by degrees, until they set in very rapidly, but probably by 1750, when hunting had progressed a good deal, and pace was increased in all pastimes, the old-fashioned Pointer was voted a nuisance through his extreme caution and tortoise-like movements.

We had only progressed a short distance when a huge rock was visible in the centre of the road, evidently a very recent gift from the adjacent height.

What excitement, what discoveries and inventionswith what giant strides the world has progressed while he quietly followed the plough!

It may be that progress fans the torch to burn away; perhaps progress accelerates death.

As the work progressed Field and Thomson, who had suffered so many failures in their great enterprise, watched with increasing anxiety.

It is only natural that trade-union organization should have progressed furthest in those occupations which, as industries, are the most highly developed.

We had only progressed a short distance when a huge rock was visible in the centre of the road, evidently a very recent gift from the adjacent height.

They had progressed not more than three hundred yards when there came to them for a third time the hallooing of a voice.

Even while Piggy Pennington and Bud Perkins were sitting at dusk on the back-porch steps of the Pennington house, eating turkey-wings which Mrs. Pennington had given to them, and devouring ham sandwiches which Piggy had taken from the big platterful in the pantry, looking the hired girl boldly in the face as he did it, even then the preparations for the Pennington entertainment were progressing indoors.

In this respect, mankind has scarcely progressed a jot, though men be more sceptical in not taking for granted.

It is possible that the knowledge of nature would have progressed little, even if this distrust of science on theological grounds had not prevailed.

They had not progressed a hundred yards into the plain when the old hunter stopped, a puzzled look in his face.

And the more progress one makes in the knowledge of the language, the more vile things one hears....

These dances lasted for hours, and as they progressed the men gradually worked themselves up into a frenzy.

That event made his further progress a matter of serious discussion; and the difficulty was increased by the arrival of Wynram of Libertoun, with addresses from the parliament and the kirk of Scotland.[f]

But before they had progressed a mile beyond the point of divergence, they reached the spot where the river overflowed its banks and its course was lost in the marshes.

50 collocations for  progress