23 adjectives to describe lodgers

While they were both still bemoaning and weeping, a fellow lodger in the house came upon them, and hearing of their difficulty, offered to escort Miss Morleena to the barber-shop, and at once led her in safety to that establishment.

They had three female lodgers, factory operatives, out of work.

"Well, I've heard of you single young men, but I never thought" "The tea's cold and as black as ink," growled the indignant lodger, "and the egg isn't eatable.

Apparently the blacksmith had just come from the wood through the gate, and had almost stumbled in the dark against the rigid figure of his mysterious lodger.

Marian heard her voice afterward in the apartment of the drunken lodger, and suspected from its emphasis that the girl was describing the rare things she had seen.

It seems that some hate, either personal, or the consequences of a quarrel between their different tribes, existed in the mind of Tonquin towards his hapless fellow lodger; and in the night he speared him through the heart, AND THEN VERY QUIETLY LAID DOWN TO SLEEP!

I never was an honest lodger in the Pontiac.

This light left a sense of great uneasiness among the inmates, and most certainly it was not pleasant to suspect the establishment of an independent and possibly dangerous lodger or even colony, within the walls of the same old building.

Was it not likely to be a Midlandshire man who had lent Marian's husband his house? "Do you know if these people at the Grange have had any one staying with them latelyany lodgers?"

Did anybody ever think to count up the thousands there are in every great city, who live in lodgings and not in homes; from the luxurious lodger who lodges in the costliest rooms of the costliest hotel, down to the most poverty-stricken lodger who lodges in a corner of the poorest tenement-house?

She stood by the bedside of her lodger, miserable in her ignorance and consequent helplessness.

You're Misspardonforgotten the namenew lodger.

It was their unrecognized guest of the nightthe uninvited lodger on the rear platformbut he did not raise his eyes or appear to notice the new arrivals.

At four o'clock Mrs. Turpin crept softly to the sitting-room where her offended lodger was quietly reading.

To the prodigalities of the passions, and the appetites disastrously indulged, she was accustomed by a long succession of those sad and shady lodgers to whom it was part of her precarious livelihood to let her rooms, and, not infrequently, to forgive them their rent.

But I shall have to wait for that till I get back to Seal Cove, and then I shall have to cook it myself, for that swell lodger of mine ain't no good about a house," said Oily Dave, with a shake of his head.

" "On the contrary, it proves that I do not give it up, since I put in temporary lodgers like you.

I had been but a short hour in the housebig, comfortable, luxurious housebut had experienced this sense of being unsettled, unfixed, fluctuatinga kind of impermanence that transient lodgers in hotels must feel, but that a guest in a friend's home ought not to feel, be the visit short or long.

A Somebody at lastafter being office-boy, clerk, strap-hanger, gallery-patron, cheap lodger, and paper-collar wearer.

It was their unrecognized guest of the nightthe uninvited lodger on the rear platformbut he did not raise his eyes or appear to notice the new arrivals.

As we advance in our practice with the aquarium we may venture to introduce more delicate lodgers.

"Pray do not mock me; I am a very foolish, fond old man" The disreputable, swollen-faced lodger with a nose like a poisoned toadstool vanished.

A distressed lodger who had just left had begged her to accept, in lieu of rent, the pawn-ticket of a handsome clock which had been hers in happier days; and Mrs. Tipping, moved as she always was by any tale of woe, however elaborate, had consented.

23 adjectives to describe  lodgers