36 collocations for remotest

They were the school-masters of thousands and tens of thousands, perpetuating their ideas to remotest generations.

The Royal Family were present, and the opera was performed with more taste and execution than I had expected to meet with in so remote a place, and under the restrictions which rendered the intercourse with the Continent then so difficult.

As one of the little means of supporting existence in so remote a spot, and keeping alive, at the same time, the spark of literary excitement, I began, in December, a manuscript jeu d'esprit newspaper, to be put in covers and sent from house to house, with the perhaps too ambitious cognomen of "The Literary Voyager.

He scoured the seas, and to remotest shores With swelling sails the trembling corsair fled. 10 Rich commerce flourished; and with busy oars Dashed the resounding surge.

We have attach'de Fallerio, gracious lord, And did accuse him with Pertillos death; But he remote will not confesse himselfe

Prince Edward was fortunately at court on his brother’s demise; and though the descendants of Edmund Ironside were the true heirs of the Saxon family, yet their absence in so remote a country as Hungary, appeared a sufficient reason for their exclusion, to a people like the English, so little accustomed to observe a regular order in the succession of their monarchs.

It is to be conjectured that copies of such a MS. were multiplied, and from time to time reproduced with suitable changes; but with the exception of two different, though nearly coeval, collections, embracing 31 and 162 receipts or nyms, and also successively printed by Pegge and Warner, there is no apparent trace of any systematic compilation of this nature at so remote a date.

In the regions embracing the provinces of Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Pangasinan the soil is mostly composed of clay containing remnants of sea shells, a circumstance which gives rise to the belief that the coast of Manila has risen from the sea in not so remote an epoch.

"The hour conceal'd, and so remote the fear, Death still draws nearer, never seeming near.

However rapid and remote their flight of thought, it is a succession of images, not of abstractions.

Ferragut knew all their names, having read them in the Trovas of Mosen Febrer, a metrical composition in Provençal, about the warriors that came to the neighborhood of Valencia from Aragon, Catalunia, the South of France, England and remote Germany.

We had commented on its size in so remote a parish.

In their march they passed the guard-house of the enemy on their left, and on their right a house occupied by a company of cavalry, for the purpose of carrying with expedition the orders of the general to remote parts of the island.

And if remote the peril he can bring, Your present danger's greater from the king.

On re-entering, she stoodsometimes turned by us with her face toward the wall, oftener with her eyes directed toward the ground, and usually close to us and remote from the familyfor a period of silence varying from a few seconds to a minute, till she called out to us some number, card, or whatever it might be.

It was followed by a pantomime, called Lun's Ghosta satiric touch, I apprehend, upon Rich, not long since deadbut to my apprehension (too sincere for satire), Lun was as remote a piece of antiquity as Ludthe father, of a line of Harlequinstransmitting his dagger of lath (the wooden sceptre) through countless ages.

The circumstances of this trip were peculiar, and the removal of a detachment of the army to so remote a point in a time of profound peace, had stimulated migratory enterprise.

Had we not gone to so remote a position, we could not possibly ever have become aware how deeply we are indebted to the genius and discoveries of Cadmus and Faust, whose true worshippers are the corps editorial.

Mrs. Linceford has just got home from Paris, and brought them wardrobes to last to remotest posterity!

" There are those who will hear such words with a smile, even with a sneer, and say, Such wholesale judgments of God, even granting that there are such things, are, after all, very rare: it is very seldom that a whole class, a whole system of society, is punished in massand why then need we trouble ourselves about so remote a probability?

For, after all, how large a portion of all that a newspaper contains is, at least to remote readers, "flat, stale, and unprofitable."

The refugee is tired of his past but he does not deny his faith in humanity; his doctrine only postpones to a time secularly remote the redemption of humanity from its secular suffering.

How remote the reference to use in the mighty portals of Rheims, or the soaring vaultings of Amiens and Beauvais!

There was something so portentous in a lone vessel's venturing within the ice, in so remote a region, that, to say the truth, Roswell hesitated.

Dating their foundation as far back as the fourteenth century, as Prague, Vienna, and Heidelberg,or established but of late years in the nineteenth, as Berlin, Bonn, and Munich,they attract to themselves the mental strength of the land, forming a focus from which radiates, whether in Theology, Science, Literature, or Art, the new world of thought, which finds its way to remotest regions, often filtered and unacknowledged.

36 collocations for  remotest