10 collocations for sluice

Walking moodily down-stairs he was waylaid by Dorothea, who, sluicing the steps with dirty water under pretence of cleaning them, thus held, as it were, the key of the position, and so had him at command.

Ten minutes later the water of the Lazy River was sluicing the dust from the legs and belly of Racey Dawson's horse.

Entering the toilet-room at the rear of the car, he said, he had begun his ablutions by the side of another man, and it was as they were sluicing their faces with water that he heard the cry: "Why, Major, is that you?

Do you mean to say you sluiced that much raw jump-and-holler into a woman that can't stand uncooked water?

The Germans were fairly sluicing that trench by now.

Well too if he like Love would filch our hoard With pleasure to ourselves, sluicing our vein And vigour to perpetuate the strain Of life by spilth of life within us stored!

He sluiced the cold water over his head, grunting.

Rain in sheets sluiced the windows without rest.

There have been, Or I am much deceived, cuckolds ere now, And many a man there is, even at this present, Now, while I speak this, holds his wife by the arm, That little thinks she has been sluiced in's absence

He found himself jogging in a rickshaw, while equatorial rain beat like down-pouring bullets on the tarpaulin hood, and sluiced the Chinaman's oily yellow back.

10 collocations for  sluice