37 collocations for tidy

Then Mathieu pulled up Marianne's pillows, set the counterpane in order, and forbade her to stir until he had tidied the room.

She put her hands to her head, and began to tidy her dishevelled hair, which is a sure sign in a woman that she is recovering her composure.

" Marianne was tidying my dressing-room for the night, bustling here and there, a dear old, comfortable, dependable thing.

" Mr. Wilks bent down and, taking up a small brush, carefully tidied up the hearth.

Our meals are simple enough, but it is really remarkable to see the manner in which our two stewards, Hooper and Neald, provide for all requirements, washing up, tidying cabin, and making themselves generally useful in the cheerfullest manner.

If he had kept them neat, and groomed his horse, and cleaned the cows, and dug up the garden, it would have taken up all his time; but he never tidied the place at all, till his yard and stable got so littered up with things he threw down that he could not make his way about.

I had put off going to her for a long time, for I didn't care about leaving Mrs. Holbrook; but I had to go at last, my aunt thinking it hard that I couldn't spare time to spend a day with her, and tidy up her house a bit, and see to the girl that waits upon her, poor helpless thing.

" Dorothea hurried downstairs with it and past the servants tidying the hall.

He found a perturbed Patricia Cowan, in cap and apron, tidying the big kitchen.

Sallie was just tidying up the diningroom when they found her.

"Now, friends," said Mrs. Trueman, as her ears caught the rattle of the wheels, "I must trouble ye to step outside while I tidy up the floor.

People expecting the kind visitor brush up and tidy their huts.

There is a real need for many people to tidy up their ideas at this point.

Then, agin, some relations are partikler about appearances, and they don't like it if a chap don't wear a collar and tidy 'imself up.

" When the boys had been started off to Seal Cove with a boatload of goods, and Katherine had tidied away the litter in the store, she went into the stockroom at the back to spread out the furs in readiness for the coming of Mr. Selincourt.

I had just finished tidying up the office when there came a peremptory ring at the outer door, repeated at intervals of twenty seconds or so.

What a comfort, too, to be without housemaids to tidy up your papers in the smoking-room and shut your windows in the evening!

It was a surprise to him one afternoon to find that his wife had so far unbent as to tidy up the parlour.

Thus, George, who was proceeding to tidy back the rubbish which was cumbering the place, discovered something which caused him to cry out to us his astonishment.

Fortified by this simple cheer, I devoted the remainder of the morning to tidying up my shed.

A certain Friday evening early in February found me listlessly tidying up the shop; for the Jewish Sabbath had begun and customers were few.

So sang Sahwah as she tidied up her tent after Morning Sing.

More and more puzzled, but distinctly less hungry, I went back to the drawing-room, looked into the dining-room, finally wandered out into the verandah, where I found the children's old nurse Anne tidying away the children's toys.

"We were about to tidy up a captured trench.

But she bided her time, and, when he went to bathe, she slipped into the cave and swept it and neaped it and tidied up all the utensils used by him for worship.

37 collocations for  tidy