20 examples of bacterium in sentences

It is only needful to add a minute drop of fluid containing Bacteria, to water in which tartrate, phosphate, and sulphate of ammonia are dissolved; and, in a very short space of time, the clear fluid becomes milky by reason of their prodigious multiplication, which, of course, implies the manufacture of living Bacterium-stuff out of these merely saline matters.

And I have not yet been able to meet with any advocate of Abiogenesis who seriously maintains that the atoms of sugar, tartrate of ammonia, yeast-ash, and water, under no influence but that of free access of air and the ordinary temperature, re-arrange themselves and give rise to the protoplasm of Bacterium.

A bacterium that may kill you or me in some novel and disgusting way may even now be developing in some Congo muck-heap.

It has been calculated that if all of the organisms survived, one bacterium would lead to the production of several billions of others in twenty-four hours.

Bactericide (Bacterium and Lat. caedere, to kill).

[disease-causing agents] virus, bacterium, bacteria.

Bacterium, Bacillus.

The spores are small, brilliant bodies that form in the center or at the extremity of each articulation or globule of the bacterium (Fig. 2, II. l), and are set free through the breaking up of the joints.

Some, that live upon food products, produce therein special coloring matters; such are the bacterium of blue milk, and Micrococcus prodigiosus (Fig. 2, I.), a red alga that lives upon bread and forms those bloody spots that were formerly considered by the superstitious as the precursors of great calamities.

To cite only those whose origin is well known, we may mention the bacterium that causes charbon, the micrococcus of chicken cholera, and that of hog measles.

Bacterium roseopersicina forms, in pools, rosy or red pellicles that cover vegetable debris and disengage gases of an offensive odor.

This bacterium develops in so great quantity upon low shores covered with fragments of algæ as to sometimes spread over an extent of several kilometers.

TalentsThe Young Ice goes outFootball: Inverted TemperaturesOf RainbowsFootball: New IceIndividual Scientific WorkIndividuals at WorkThermometers on the FloeFloe TemperaturesA Bacterium in the SnowReturn of the Hut Point PartyPersonal Harmony ...

Atkinson is pretty certain that he has isolated a very motile bacterium in the snow.

He then proceeded to describe the characters of this bacterium.

This again is peculiar; it is never seen, at least so marked, with any other bacterium.

And I wanted to astonish him, not knowing he was an Anarchist, and took up a cultivation of that new species of Bacterium I was telling you of that infest, and I think cause, the blue patches upon various monkeys; and, like a fool, I said it was Asiatic cholera.

a little rod), a bacterium, distinguished as being twice as long as it is broad, others being more or less rounded.

Bacterium, plural of, 20. Balance, rest, remainder, distinguished, 29.

It was seen to contain a vast number of Bacterium termo, but on examination with a one-tenth inch objective showed that it also contained a comparatively small number of intensely active organismsone being discovered in about eight or ten drops of the sediment.

20 examples of  bacterium  in sentences