25 examples of chummy in sentences

" "He's going to trade in the flivver for a chummy roadster, and" "Oh, darling, it's like I can't bear it!"

"I was rather chummy with him when we were in the Fifth, and he was all right then, but now he seems to be running to seed as fast as he can; and I believe it's a great deal that fellow Fletcher.

I know Thurston's very chummy with him, but I don't see that's got much to do with it.

Well, I got chummy with a big cow puncher from Montana.

If Andy he's a-goin' to turn on us and be chummy with that crowd, we ain't expectin' to stand it, see?" declared Pet, still struggling with the obstreperous knot.

And doesn't it happen that Will and Allen Washburn are quite chummy?

Two or three months ago hehe seemed to fit into my humour, and we became pretty chummy as you know.

"Real chummy we got.

" "Ho, yes; real chummy, Thirkle!

So chummy, Red, he was ready to let a knife into me, and now he says he was in the navy; well up to his flag, too, and the queen's commission, all nice and handy.

There always lietoo good almost to be truemiles and miles of laughing country, little white towns just smiling in the early light, a thin strip of river here and there, dimpling and dancing, stretches of fields of all colorsall so, peaceful and so gay, and so "chummy" that it gladdens the opening day, and makes me rejoice to have lived to see it.

I was not chummy with many of my mates, but, on the whole, was about as popular as it is good for a boy to be.

But never mind, we'll have a good chummy afternoon.

"Speak right out, chummy," said Kelley in a manner intended to be reassuring.

"You've been very chummy with him, I must say," sniffed Mrs. Perkins.

"I have had all kinds of a time out here in this God-forsaken desert, but never until to-day anything approaching a chummy hour with a man I know and care for.

Gee, I never knew what fun it'd be to have a wife who'd be so darn chummy as you are.

But still, there were all sorts of last things to be thought of, and Lionel Varick and Bubbles became quite chummy over the affair.

We're as chummy as though we had been reared together," I exclaimed.

The fact of sex never for an instant enters my head, and I find it as easy to be chummy with men as with girls: men in return have always been very good, and have treated me in the same way.

Veronica laughed, a jolly, chummy laugh that swept away their momentary feeling of constraint and made her one of themselves again.

In my resolution to be as chummy with Dicky as possible, I determined to put down my own feelings toward Grace Draper.

I can tell ye I was surprised to see a dacent-like chap like you sae chummy wi' sic a bad character as him.' 'Aw, Wullie Thomson's no near as bad as his character.

Talk about thieves being chummy; why, these two we have here couldn't hold a candle to that man and my father.

Awful good on yer, CHARLIE, old chummy, to take so much trouble for me; But do keep on yer 'air, dear old pal; I am still right end uppards, yer see.

25 examples of  chummy  in sentences