1498 examples of easters in sentences

Advent Christmas St. Stephen; St. John; Circumcision; Epiphany; Septuagesima; Lent; Easter and Paschal Times; Ascension; Whit Sunday; Trinity Sunday B. PROPER OF THE SAINTS.

First, from Advent to Septuagesima; second, from Septuagesima to Easter; third, from Easter to Pentecost; fourth, from Pentecost to Advent.

First, from Advent to Septuagesima; second, from Septuagesima to Easter; third, from Easter to Pentecost; fourth, from Pentecost to Advent.

Second General Division, from Septuagesima till Easter:The death of Christ preceded by the events of His public life, His fasting, temptation, preaching, miracles, passion and death.

Third General Division, from Easter to Pentecost:The Resurrection, the Ascension, Pentecost.

In virtue of the decree of the Council of Nice, in 325, Easter, on which all other movable feasts depend, must be celebrated on the Sunday which follows immediately the fourteenth day of the moon of the first month (in the Hebrew year), our March.

The matter of the arrangement of Easter was for long a subject of very bitter contention in the Irish and in the English Church.

From Apostolic times the feasts of Easter, the Ascension and Pentecost were celebrated.

On Easter Monday, April 9th, the Battle of Arras began, with the brilliant capture by the Canadians of that

This great Norman church of St Nicholas with its partly fourteenth century nave, its clerestory, its fine chancel with sedilia and Easter sepulchre, and noble pinnacled tower is perhaps the greatest building in the Marsh.

And, with a sweet forewarning, Mak'st round the sacred front an aureole glow Woven of that light that rose on Easter morning.

On Sunday, April 20, being Easter-day, after attending solemn service at St. Paul's, I came to Dr. Johnson, and found Mr. Lowe, the painter, sitting with him.

She was christened at Easter; I am her godmother.

They are happily familiar to us through our child friends: the "children's service" at Christmas and at Easter; the "talks to children" on certain Sundays of the year.

The progress ended at Worcester on Easter Day, 1158.

It was in vain that he sought to win over the leaders of the ecclesiastical party, the canon lawyers, such as John of Salisbury, or Master Herbert of Bosham, with whom he argued the point at his Easter Court at Angers.

It often happens, on our own coast, that the south-easters chop round suddenly, and come out nor'-westers.

But we remained behind, that we might celebrate the festival of Easter.

There were a vast multitude of Hungarians, Alans, Rutenians or Russians, Georgians, and Armenians, who had not received the sacrament since they were taken prisoners, as the Nestorians would not admit them into their church unless they were rebaptized; yet they offered their sacrament freely to us, and allowed me to see their manner of consecration; on the vigil of Easter I saw their ceremony of baptism.

After this I gave the holy communion to these people on Easter day, and I hope, with the blessing of God to many, being assisted by the Nestorians, who lent me their chalice and paten.

They baptized above threescore persons on Easter eve with great solemnity, to the great joy of all the Christians.

And I learnt afterwards, that there was a dispute between them, as Mangu-khan had sent four jascots on Easter eve to the monk, to distribute among the priests; and Sergius, keeping one to himself, had given three to the priests, one being a counterfeit, and the priests thought Sergius had kept too great a share to himself.

In a few moments all the arms which the schooner afforded, with the exception of one or two old muskets, were secured about the persons of our Down Easters, and they quietly awaited the coming of the schooner.

Dear N. You will not expect us to-morrow, I am sure, while these damn'd North Easters continue.

Until we had made two-thirds of our distance across the ocean, the winds had stood very much at south-west; and, though we had no heavy weather, our progress was good; but in 20° east from Greenwich, we got north-easters, and our best tack being the larboard, I stood for ten days to the southward and eastward.

1498 examples of  easters  in sentences