145 examples of illegible in sentences

is a fair copy of the Defence of Poetry, apparently damaged by sea-water, and illegible in many places.

that lantern-jawed countenance of a droll, with its heavy, black, eloquent eyebrows, its high and narrow forehead merging into an extensive bald spot fringed with greyish hair, its rather small, blue, illegible eyes, its high-bridged nose and prominent nostrils, its wide and thin-lipped mouth, its rather startling pallor.

Perplexed, perturbed, Lanyard gazed down into that richly tinted face which, with eyes half-curtained and lips half-parted, seemed to betray so much, yet to his next glance was wholly illegible and provoking.

But are you doing me the honour to be jealous?" "Perhaps, petit Monsieur Paul..." In the broken light of passing lamps her quiet smile was as illegible as her shadowed eyes.

They are written so small as to be almost illegible.

What Goethe says about the most legible handwriting being illegible in the twilight, is doubtless true; and should be oftener borne in mind by frivolous objectors, who declare they do not understand this or do not admire that, as if their want of taste and understanding were rather creditable than otherwise, and were decisive proofs of an author's insignificance.

The next word is illegible.

Would nature write so illegible a hand that the mind must wait a long time before becoming able to read what had been inscribed upon it?

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Garie[Here followed a passage that was so scored and crossed as to be illegible.

In a cramped and almost illegible hand the old wanderer of the mountains had written: Don't go to cabin.

But fate, propitious to me, had dried up his ink-bottle; the expense of replenishing it would have broken his heart of itself; and the attorney's announcement to me was, that the will, after blinding the solicitor to the treasury and three of his clerks, was pronounced to be altogether illegible.

Two of them bore nothing but the date line, made illegible, it would seem, by the writer's haste and nervousness.

At first he tried writing within oblongs cut out of cardboard, but the result was apt to be illegible.

She looked at the book that he held open before her, and perceived that its vertical ruling betokened a sordid import, that its list of items in an illegible mixture of English and German was lengthy.

The illegible parts are precisely indicated, without any conjectural insertions, and young Washington's spelling and punctuation subjected to no literary tampering.

In several places there were mere evidences of words, now entirely illegible.

What then?" The man scratched his head, contemplating William as he might some illegible sign-post set up at an unusually bothersome cross-road.

[TR: word illegible] did hit dat way.

[TR: illegible] in their skirts and when they stopped wearing them and wore narrow skirts?

No. 42. Were there any Negroes of your acquaintance who were skilled [TR: illegible] particular line of work?

Sincerely yours, [Illegible: H. W. Majorson] Dowagiac, Mich., Dec 26, 1906.

Sincerely, with best wishes [Illegible signature: A. S. Goodman] St. Paul, Minn., November 26, 1906.

The general public saw in him a man who flung himself into his cases with the fervor and passion of a mountain-torrent, whose eloquence was exuberant and sometimes extravagant, who said quaint and brilliant things with a very grave countenance, and whose handwriting was picturesquely illegible.

" "His writing is rather illegible.

The post-marks were illegible, and the envelope much crumpled.

145 examples of  illegible  in sentences