31 examples of matelots in sentences

The first was called the Pres-de-Ville, the second the Sault-au-Matelot.

The Pres-de-Ville barricade was to be carried by Montgomery and the Sault-au-Matelot by Arnold, while Livingston was to distract Carleton's attention as much as possible by making a feint against the landward walls, where the British still expected the real attack.

Arnold, whose quarters were in the valley of the St Charles, took post in St Roch, with a mortar battery to fire against the walls and a column of men to storm the Sault-au-Matelot.

Arnold's mortars pitched shells all over the town; while his storming-party advanced towards the Sault-au-Matelot barricade.

A few minutes later a man whose identity was never established came running from the Lower Town to say that Arnold's men had taken the Sault-au-Matelot barricade.

This officer, finding he was not wanted there, sent back to know where else he was to go, and received an answer telling him to hurry to the Sault-au-Matelot.

Then they had to take the small advanced barricade, which stood a hundred yards on the St Charles side of the actual Sault-au-Matelot or Sailor's Leap, which is the north-easterly point of the Quebec promontory and nearly a hundred feet high.

Finally, they had to round this point and attack the regular Sault-au-Matelot barricade.

It crossed Sault-au-Matelot Street and St Peter Street, which were the same then as now.

A little way beyond, just under the bluff of the Sault-au-Matelot, the British supports, many of whom were Seminary students, also surrendered to Morgan, who at once pressed on, round the corner of the Sault-au-Matelot, and halted in sight of the second or regular barricade.

A little way beyond, just under the bluff of the Sault-au-Matelot, the British supports, many of whom were Seminary students, also surrendered to Morgan, who at once pressed on, round the corner of the Sault-au-Matelot, and halted in sight of the second or regular barricade.

Thus, what with soldiers, sailors, and militiamen of both races, the main Sault-au-Matelot barricade was made secure against being rushed like the outer one.

The chance for a sortie then seeming favourable, Lieutenant Anderson of the Navy headed his thirty-five merchant mates and skippers in a rush along Sault-au-Matelot Street.

Leaving McDougall to secure these prisoners before following on, Lawes pushed eagerly forward, round the corner of the Sault-au-Matelot cliff, and, running in among the Americans facing the main barricade, called out, 'You are all my prisoners!'

Morgan's men had fought with great courage at the Sault-au-Matelot.

Trout en Matelot.

[102] The Matelots are laid down in our modern maps, in lat.

Nos. 5, 11, 19, 23, 27, 43; "Au Petit Matelot." Damaged.

"This matelot Blenkinsop has got it very badly.

MATELOT Comme un matelot s'embarquait pour un voyage de long cours, un de ses amis lui dit: "Je m'étonne que vous osiez vous mettle en mer, sachant que votre père, a péri dans un naufrage, et que votre grand-père et votre bisaïeul ont éprouvé le même sort.

Quel voyage le matelot devait-il faire?Quelle raison aurait-il eu de redouter les voyages sur mer, selon l'opinion de son ami?Comment ses ancêtres avaient-ils tous péri?Le matelot se laissait-il effrayer de leur sort?Pourquoi les marins sont-ils tous un peu fatalistes?

On passe, On court, on va. Voici le cri des porte-voix, Le pas des matelots courant sur les pavois, Les mocos, l'amiral appuyé sur son page, Les tambours, les sifflets des maîtres d'équipage, Les signaux pour la mer, l'appel pour les combats, Le fracas sépulcral et noir du branle-bas. Sont-ce des cormorans?

Tom Robin, matelot de Douvre, Au Phare nous abandonna Pour aller voir si l'on découvre Satan, que l'archange enchaîna, Quand un bâillement noir entr'ouvre

Depuis l'enfance matelot, Il livre au hasard sombre une rude bataille.

III Elle prie, et la mauve au cri rauque et moqueur L'importune, et, parmi les écueils en décombres, L'océan l'épouvante, et toutes sortes d'ombres Passent dans son esprit, la mer, les matelots Emportés à travers la colère des flots.

31 examples of  matelots  in sentences