28 examples of orto in sentences

The pauper burial-ground toward which they now progress in a rather high-stepping manner, orto vary the phrasetoward which their steps are now very much bent, is not a favorite resort of the more cheerful village people after nightfall.

Orto translate it in the weaker English idiom"My heart went down into my heelsall in a moment, my mouth was dry as a bone!"

Men become less inclined to destroy life or to inflict pain; orto use the popular terminology which happens here to coincide precisely with that of the Doctrine of Evolutionthey become less brutal and more humane.

" "And the Tintoretto, at Santa Maria dell' Orto?"

"Thou hast seen my daughterthou hast news of her?" "Ay, yestere'en, at the Ave Maria, I spoke with her, in Santa Maria dell' Orto, coming upon her kneeling before the great picture of Jacopo Robustishe, saint enough already to wear a gloria and looking as if the heart of her were worn away from grief!

When the Lady of the Giustiniani had sent for Piero to meet her in Santa Maria dell' Orto, to ask him to manage her escape to Rome, it had not been possible to refuse her; all his attempts at reasoning were in vain.

No light is thrown forth from its eleven thousand windows, save in this retreating angle formed by the junction of the palace with the convent, orto speak according to the architect's symbolical designof the "handle" with the "gridiron."

Passing along the Via Calzaioli we come on the right to a noble square building with statues in its nichesOr San Michele, which stands on the site of the chapel of San Michele in Orto.

San Michele in Orto, or more probably in Horreo (meaning either in the garden or in the granary), was once part of a loggia used as a corn market, in which was preserved a picture by Ugolino da Siena representing the Virgin, and this picture had the power of working miracles.

She had found out that she had given herself to the exclusive and the dowdy when the future belonged to the showy and the promiscuous; that she was in the case of those who have cast in their lot with a fallen cause, orto use an analogy more within her rangewho have hired an opera box on the wrong night.

But, then, he orto consider the advantages he's had.

What is said will apply equally to Burmah or Egypt or Armenia orto come back into EuropePoland.

"Ay, carry him to Flushing," said the captain, "or to America, orto Jericho?" "Psha!

These examples are mostly chosen from the Scuola di S. Rocco and the church of S. Maria dell' Orto at Venice; also from "Pietàs," in the Brera and the Pitti, the "Paradise" of the Ducal Palace, and a sketch for "Paradise" in the Louvre.

S. Maria dell' Orto.

Us Southerners orto take all that new country west of the Missoury, clean acrost to the Pacific.

Murray was so much puzzled with Tooke's notion of as, and Campbell's doctrine of the impersonal verb, that he has expressly left his pupils to hesitate and doubt, like himself, whether one ought to say "as follows" or "as follow," when the preceding noun is plural; orto furnish an alternative, (if they choose it,) he shows them at last how they may dodge the question, by adopting some other phraseology.

Marietta was buried in the Church of Santa Maria dell' Orto, where, within sight of her tomb, are several of her father's pictures.

Jim and John and me talked it up to-day when we was out to work, and we think you orto have gone with Dick.

"We did not drive over hereto take supper with you orto see Kuzma Petrovitch.

But Surrager Dowler is right where he orto be.

Among these needs are not only such as we usually call necessitiesthe stimuli of individual desire and volitionbut also those connected with individual views and convictions; orto use a term expressing less decisionleanings of opinion, supposing the impulses of reflection, understanding, and reason, to have been awakened.

The shuffler glanced round at us as calm as a goggle-eyed clam and never dained to answer, and seemin'ly urged on the orto to redoubled speed.

But at that minute the entrance gate wuz reached and the orto stopped so abruptly, that Josiah who had got up agin, wuz precipitated into my lap.

She wuz stayin' at a big tarven not so very fur from Miss Huff's, and said she'd brought her orto and shuffler with her from Chicago.

28 examples of  orto  in sentences