21407 examples of oughtest in sentences

If thou dost not, thou wilt be the worst of men; and wilt be condemned in this world and the next: as I am sure thou oughtest, and shouldest too, wert thou to be judged by one, who never before was so much touched in a woman's favour; and whom thou knowest to be Thy partial friend, J. BELFORD.

And if thou adorest what is placed at a distance from thee, thou oughtest to adore the land of the Gangarides, which lies at the extremity of the earth.

At last Zadig, having recovered his spirits, stops; makes a feint; leaps upon Otamus; throws him on the ground and disarms him; and Otamus cries out, "It is thou alone, O white knight, that oughtest to reign over Babylon!"

Cease, then, frail mortal, to dispute against what thou oughtest to adore.

Wouldst thou make a merit to me, that thou didst not utterly ruin her whom thou oughtest to have protected?

At once my mind takes in the whole of thy crooked behaviour; and if thou thinkest of Clarissa Harlowe as her proud heart tells her thou oughtest to think of her, thou wilt seek thy fortunes elsewhere.

" Dictamen applies it to him, and dictates this or the like: Regulus, thou wouldst not another man should falsify his oath, or break promise with thee: conscience concludes, therefore, Regulus, thou dost well to perform thy promise, and oughtest to keep thine oath.

nulli tam feri affectus, ut non disciplina perdomentur, whatsoever the will desires, she may command: no such cruel affections, but by discipline they may be tamed; voluntarily thou wilt not do this or that, which thou oughtest to do, or refrain, &c., but when thou art lashed like a dull jade, thou wilt reform it: fear of a whip will make thee do, or not do.

The right and true speculation (said Luther) is this, Believe in Christ; do what thou oughtest to do in thy vocation, &c. This is the only practice in divinity.

The Baron informs us, that on a certain night a man appeared to him in the midst of a strong shining light, and said, 'I am God the Lord, the Creator and Redeemer; I have chosen thee to explain to men the interior and spiritual sense of the Sacred Writings: I will dictate to thee what thou oughtest to write?'

Tell me, then, how dost thou think thou oughtest to behave to such a Father?'

"These things write I unto thee, that thou mayst know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God."1

Being originally a preterit, it never occurs in the infinitive mood, and is entirely invariable, except in the solemn style, where we find oughtest in both tenses; as, "How thou oughtest to behave thyself."1

Being originally a preterit, it never occurs in the infinitive mood, and is entirely invariable, except in the solemn style, where we find oughtest in both tenses; as, "How thou oughtest to behave thyself."1

"Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers.

"It is now quite obsolete to say, thou oughtest; for ought now changes its ending no more than must.

"I fear thou doest not think as much of best things as thou oughtest.

the verb has different forms, that form should be adopted, which is the most consistent with present and reputable usage in the style employed: thus, to say familiarly, "The clock hath stricken;""Thou laughedst and talkedst, when thou oughtest to have been silent;""He readeth and writeth, but he doth not cipher," would be no better, than to use don't, won't, can't, shan't, and didn't, in preaching.

"Ought (in duty bound) oughtest, oughtedst, are it's only inflections.

"The verb OUGHT has no other inflection than OUGHTEST, and this is nearly obsolete.

Thou oughtest therefore to call to mind the more heavy sufferings of others, that thou mayest the easier bear thy little adversities.

Sorrow to find thou hast not always treated the matron as thou oughtest to have done.

May not much of this flow from thy not laying the whole work so wholly off thyself, and upon Christ, as thou oughtest to do?

15That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God.]

Thou oughtest, therefore, to have judged my people righteously!

21407 examples of  oughtest  in sentences