110 examples of plenteous in sentences

Old women, with plenteous supplies of trefoil, may be heard in every direction crying, "Buy my shamrock, green shamrocks," while little children have "Patrick's crosses" pinned to their sleeves, a custom which is said to have originated in the circumstance that when St. Patrick was preaching the doctrine of the Trinity he made use of the trefoil as a symbol of the great mystery.

Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within!

A tropical scene, luxuriant with tangled overgrowth and impressive in the grandeur of its phenomena, may more decisively arrest our attention than an English landscape with its green corn lands and plenteous homesteads.

Now all was bustle, and the menial train Prepared and spread the plenteous board within; The vacant gallery now seem'd made in vain,

Then a man started up at the mare's cry, and seeing Sindbad, bore him to an underground chamber, where he regaled the waif with plenteous food.

I wish thee of good hap a plenteous store; Thy wit deserves no less, my love can wish no more.

When now the third revolving moon appears, With sharpened horns, above the horizon's brink; Without Lucina's aid, expect thy hopes Are amply crowned; short pangs produce to light The smoking litter; crawling, helpless, blind, Nature their guide, they seek the pouting teat That plenteous streams.

Till that a Brize*, a scorned little creature, Through his faire hide his angrie sting did threaten, And vext so sore, that all his goodly feature And all his plenteous pasture nought him pleased: So by the small the great is oft diseased**.

At last, one noon when the child had refused the whole of a plenteous dinner, Mrs. Lessways had burst into tears and, slapping four pennies down on the table, had cried, "Here!

she asked briskly of her mother, who was fussing about her in the parlour, pretending to be fretful, but secretly enchanted to welcome her, with a warm fire and plenteous food, back again into the house.

You, worthy Pembrooke, And all your followers, shall receyve our favours In plenteous largesse.

The inhabitant of the puce dressing-gown had a short greying beard and moustache; his plenteous hair was passing from pepper into salt; there were many minute wrinkles in the hollows between his eyes and the fresh crimson of his cheeks; and the eyes were sad; they were very sad.

Wide o'er the field, high blazing to the sky, Let numerous fires the absent sun supply, The flaming piles with plenteous fuel raise, Till the bright morn her purple beam displays; Lest, in the silence and the shades of night, Greece on her sable ships attempt her flight.

He cleared his throat by a plenteous expectoration, and then proceeded to read as follows: "Dear Bratley,Nigger ran like a hound.

Plenteous of grace, descend from high, Rich in thy sevenfold energy!

While pride and pomp allure, and plenteous ease, That is, till man's predominant passions cease, Admire no longer at my slow increase.

960 Like Harpies, they could scent a plenteous board, Then to be sure they never fail'd their lord: The rest was form, and bare attendance paid; They drank, and ate, and grudgingly obey'd.

To the next realm she stretch'd her sway, For Painture near adjoining lay, A plenteous province, and alluring prey.

The goddess of the plenteous horn stands blindfold yet upon the floating prow; and, under her capricious favour, any pirate-craft, ill stowed with plunder, may sometimes speed as well, as barges richly laden from the golden mines of science.

The round of meat is flanked by plenteous bacon, jam, cheese, and bread.

Wherever snow falls or water flows or birds fly, wherever day and night meet in twilight, wherever the blue heaven is hung by clouds or sown with stars, wherever are forms with transparent boundaries, wherever are outlets into celestial spaces, wherever is danger and awe and lovethere's Beauty, plenteous as rain shed for thee and though thou shouldst walk the world over thou shalt not be able to find a condition inopportune or ignoble.

For a month Edward marched his army over Normandy, "finding on his road," says Froissart, "the country fat and plenteous in everything, the garners full of corn, the houses full of all manner of riches, carriages, wagons and horses, swine, ewes, wethers, and the finest oxen in the world."

Well supplied with hot and cold water, I had enjoyed the refreshment of plenteous ablutions, and nearly completed my toilet, before the arrival of the friends I had so completely distanced.

"Plenteous grace with Thee is found Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity.

"The princess had bowed her head, and the soft and plenteous waters of her eyes had dried like dew under the midsummer sun; yet still she closed her eyes, for her brain felt fixed and alight with a nameless awe, such as passion lends presentiment.

110 examples of  plenteous  in sentences