5333 examples of smoothing in sentences

Stwoke itstwoke it," he continued, smoothing down her hair.

There's the bell!" "Just lie down and try to rest," advised Betty, smoothing the tangled covers with a deft hand.

" "Kept in," he repeated, smoothing the little hand.

His art is nothing but delightful cozenage, whose rules are smoothing and guarded with perjury; whose scope is to make men fools in teaching them to overvalue themselves, and to tickle his friends to death.

To the Austro-Hungarian Government the Russian Minister sent a message, on the same day, July 24, that the time-limit allowed to Servia for her reply was quite insufficient, if the Powers were to help in smoothing the situation; and he urged that Austria-Hungary should publish the proofs of the charges against Servia.[30]

" "No, no," he assured her, smoothing back her hair.

After all, I should not wonder if poor Bell," smoothing her long silky ears as she lay in the apprentice's arms, "should help us to discover her mistress.

"What's the news out of doors?" "What's the news indoors?" returned Lizzie playfully, smoothing the bright long fair hair, which grew very luxuriant and beautiful on the head of the dolls' dressmaker.

" "Don't you think you're rather hard upon him?" asked her friend smiling, and smoothing her hair.

Almost savage hatchings with the point blend into finer touches from the toothed chisel; and here and there the surface has been treated with innumerable smoothing lines that round it into skin and muscle.

Down the narrow path she went ponderously, showing me the cannas, jasmine and rose, picking a lime or a tamarind, a bouquet of mock-orange flowers, smoothing the tuberoses, the hibiscus of many colors, the oleanders, maile ilima, Star of Bethlehem, frangipani, and, her greatest love, the tiare Tahiti.

I believe that the most deadly danger to our arms to-day lies in any whiff of that self-praise, any flavour of that moral cowardice, any glimpse of that impudent and ultimate impenitence, that may make one Boer or Scot or Welshman or Irishman or Indian feel that he is only smoothing the path for a second Prussia.

Bradford touched the articles with his big fingers, as lovingly as if he were smoothing his mother's hair, or her hand.

A tailor's "goose" (Stanza XXII.) is his smoothing-iron, and his "hell" (Stanza XXIII.)

It is with the class of men whose mothers have neglected to train them in the art of living that we have to deal; the man with whom feminine influencerefining, broadening, softening, graciously smoothing out soul-wrinkles, and generously polishing off sharp mental cornershas had no part.

The merchant debated, removing his skullcap, smoothing his grizzled fringe of curls, fitting the cap on again deliberately.

To these things the surgeon himself listened with a deprecating air, smoothing his wristbands, and caressing his slim white hands, while he playfully reproved his parent for her maternal weakness.

"I wonder," said Erskine, smoothing out the newspaper on his knees "I wonder, Steve, if you happened to see this very interesting article.

Smoothing his vest with his fingers that were flattened from so much sword-work, Lapo said: "I feel now that I may have been wrong to put such shame upon him.

The smoothing of time series.

Though the arms get warm from swinging the grub-axe or billhook, or cleaning out the ditch and plastering and smoothing the side of the mound with the spade, yet feet and ankles are chilled by the water in the ditch.

All this evidence had a great tendency toward smoothing down every difficulty, and 'Maso Tonti's objections were pretty nearly forgotten by both the Italians, when the papers were returned to their proper owner.

" "Listen to what I am going to tell you, Lizochka," suddenly said Marfa Timofeevna, making Liza sit down beside her on the bed, smoothing down the girl's hair, and setting her neckerchief straight while she spoke.

"Sit down here, Bog." Mrs. Crull made room for him on the other end of the sofa where she was sittingher left hand still smoothing the soft brown hair of her adopted child.

But he dressed me as it suited him, patting my silk shoes into shape, smoothing coat-skirt and flowered vest-flap, shaking out the lace on stock and wrist with all the delicacy and cunning of a lady's-maid.

5333 examples of  smoothing  in sentences