49 examples of splurge in sentences

How can the dear Rev. SPLURGE SPLUTTER have the heart or tongue to drop his pearls of eloquence to the swine of empty pews?

Show (noun), display, ostentation, parade, pomp, splurge.

The Watsons are doing too welleverything John Watson touches turns to money since he went on that farm, and this last splurge for Pearl is just too much.

Since the funeral, and especially since the inauguration of the delaine, Mrs. Marmaduke Splurge had been less alive to the necessity of improving the minds of her girls; and that virginal ten-dollar investment had provided Josephine, Adelaide, and Madeline with supplies of small arms and ammunition enough for a protracted campaign of epistolary belligerence, interrupted by hair-strokes of coquettish diplomacy.

In the flaunting yellow house on the hill the widow and daughters of the late Marmaduke Splurge, Esq., railroad-director and real-estate broker, fondled and hated each other.

" Josephine Splurge contented herself with letting down her back hair for Mr. Withers and making eyes at him.

Between Withers and Adelaide the relations were plainer; indeed, before the small Splurge set they appeared as avowed lovers.

Once, when the talk at the Splurge house descended for a moment from its lofty flights to describe a few eccentric mocking circles around the Hendrik Athenaeum and Miss Wimple, Madeline said, "If you have sense or decency, be silent;the girl is true and brave, every way better taught than we, and prouder than she knows.

One day, as Miss Wimple sat in a low Yankee rocking-chair, sewing among her books, she was favored with the extraordinary apparition of Miss Madeline Splurge,her first visitor that day, whether on business or curiosity.

Philip Withers"; of course Miss Splurge had dropped it unawares.

She hastened with it to the door,Madeline had just stept into the street, "This card is yours, I presume, Miss Splurge?" Madeline turned upon her with a surprised air, inquiringly,looked in her own hands, and shook her handkerchief with the quick, nervous, alarmed movement of one who suddenly discovers a very particular loss,became, in an instant, pale as death, stared for a moment at Miss Wimple with fixed eyes, and slightly shivered.

"Are you ill, Miss Splurge?"

"Why, Miss Splurge, what is the matter with you?

You are not lying, girl?"Miss Splurge thrust the card into the newly-purchased pocket-book, and hid that in her bosom.

"Miss Splurge," said Miss Wimple, very simply, and with no excitement of tone or expression, "when you feel sufficiently recovered to appear on the street, without exposing yourself there as you have done in here, go out!"

She remembered,the one she had sold to Miss Madeline Splurge that afternoon,the very same!

Miss Madeline Splurge had disappeared.

Ostentation N. ostentation, display, show, flourish, parade, etalage [Fr.], pomp, array, state, solemnity; dash, splash, splurge, glitter, strut, pomposity; pretense, pretensions; showing off; fuss. magnificence, splendor; coup d'oeil

Miss Madeline Splurge!" "Yes!Now hide me, quick, or some one will be coming; and warm me, and feed me, or I shall surely die on your hands.

And every once in a while a fish would leap and leave a splurge of bubble and foam behind that you would have sworn was an inserted lace medallion.

He had felt his dignity too great to permit him to take two meals in one evening; besides, he was very solemnly engaged in preparing a speech to deliver at the banquet; and his task was very difficult, since he had to make a great splurge about the glories of the campaign, without reminding every one of the inglorious result of the attempt to haze the Dozen.

I want a stake; and then it'll be time to make a splurge in a country where a man can get a run for his money.

And not all the kings and kaisers, cardinals and courtezans rolled into one great swaggering splurge of majesty could hold a candle to a ragged Bedouin chief on a flea-bitten pony, on the way to a small-town mejlis.

I was living like a hermit, and working like a horse, not trying to make any splurge, as I might have done, even having given up the idea of getting me a team of horses, which I had been thinking of for a while back with the notion of maybe getting a buggy and beginning to take Virginia out buggy-riding, and thus working up in a year or two to popping the question to her.

Well, Jabez made such a splurge in the social pool of Jonesville society, he made such florid eloquent boasts of the wonderful things he wuz goin' to do in the near future; his clothes wuz so showy, and his looks so showy

49 examples of  splurge  in sentences