30 examples of streights in sentences

Wherewith enrag'd, he fiercely gan upstart, And with his hand him rashly bruzing slewe 290 As in avengement of his heedles smart, That streight the spirite out of his senses flew.

All suddenly dismaid, and hartles quight, He fled abacke, and, catching hastie holde Of a yong alder hard beside him pight, It rent, and streight about him gan beholde

Therefore herewith doo not your selfe dismay; 445 Ne is the paines so great, but beare ye may; For not so great, as it was wont of yore, It's now a dayes, ne halfe so streight and sore.

He then, to prove whether his powre would pas As currant, sent the Foxe to them streight way, 1095 Commaunding them their cause of strife bewray; And, if that wrong on eyther side there were, That he should warne the wronger to appeare The morrow next at court, it to defend;

The sonne of Maia, soone as he receiv'd That word, streight with his azure wings he cleav'd The liquid clowdes and lucid firmament, Ne staid till that he came with steep descent 1260 Unto the place where his prescript did showe.

She smote the ground, the which streight foorth did yield 325 A fruitfull olyve tree, with berries spredd,

Too feeble I t'abide the brunt so strong, Was forst to yield my selfe into their hands; Who, me captiving streight with rigorous wrong, Have ever since kept me in cruell bands.

With such strange termes* her eyes she doth inure, That with one looke she doth my life dismay, And with another doth it streight recure: Her smile me drawes; her frowne me drives away.

When my abodes prefixed time is spent, My cruell fayre streight bids me wend my way:

Right so your selfe were caught in cunning snare Of a deare foe, and thralled to his love; In whose streight bands ye now captived are So firmely, that ye never may remove.

40 She tooke him streight full pitiously lamenting, She wrapt him softly, all the while repenting That he the fly did mock.

now the Stage is down, darst thou appeare Bold FLETC[H]ER in this tottr'ing Hemisphear? Yes;Poets are like Palmes which, the more weight You cast upon them, grow more strong & streight, 'Tis not love's Thunderbolt, nor Mars his Speare, Or Neptune's angry Trident, Poets fear.

I have been a long tyme hovering about the Magellan streights, but have made no new discoveries.

One extract will be enough: Nor doe our marchants tradinge into Spayne, The Streights, to Venice, Lisbon or the like, Give entertaynment unto novices Which have not some experience of the sea.

[Marginal note: The Pepper that the Portugals bring, is not so good as that which goeth for Mecca, which is brought hither by the streights.]

There goe small shippes of the Moores thither, which come from the coast of Iaua, and change or guild their commodities in the kingdom of Assa, and these be the Maces, Cloues, and Nutmegs, which go for the streights of Mecca.

And vpon the eight of Aprill folowing wee passed the streights of Gibraltar, and with a small Westerne gale, the 24.

They hold, there shalbe a resurrection, and all shall come to iudgement, but the account shalbe most streight, insomuch that but one of 10000 shalbe receiued to fauor, and those shall liue againe in this world in great happinesse: the rest shalbe tormented.

After which time we sailed with a faire wind within the Streights, and so remained at Sea, and ankered at no place vntil our comming into the roade of Tripolis in Syria, which was the last day of April.

says his Lord: Why rise, make ready, and go streight Aboard: With Fish, from Euxine Seas, thy Vessel freight; Flax, Castor, Coan Wines, the precious Weight Of Pepper and Sabean Incense, take With thy own Hands, from the tir'd Camel's Back, And with Post-haste thy running Markets make.

What could I do, But follow streight, invisibly thus led?

At other times I lay my Ear close to the Wall, and suck in many a valuable Whisper, as it runs in a streight Line from Corner to Corner.

The Prince experts ye Sir; h'as hedg'd the enemy Within a streight, where all the hopes and valours Of all men living cannot force a passage, He has 'em now.

His end was like that of many other people of spirit, reduced to great streights; for some of the greatest, as well as some of the most infamous men have laid violent hands upon themselves.

My ship, by the unruly tempest borne Quite through the Streights, as far as Barcelona, There first cast anchor; there I stept ashore: Three days I staid, in which small time I made A little love, which vanished as it came.

30 examples of  streights  in sentences