40 examples of teachable in sentences

The Freshman is not teachable.

The two latter were charmed with her mild and teachable spirit.

"The eye is as teachable as the hand.

Tisquantum heard with a willing and teachable spirit, and he believed, and was at peace.

There are those, I doubt not, among my audience who do not need the advice which I shall presume to give to-night; who belong to that fast-increasing class among officers of whom I have often saidand I have found scientific men cordially agree with methat they are the most modest and the most teachable of men.

There is further a faculty of arts, the so-called Philosophical Faculty, which imparts whatever in philosophy is teachable.

While the mind's watchful eye thy road commands: With lively pleasure contemplate the scene And roam securely, teachable, serene, At will throughout a world of fruitful lands.

But it made him humble, receptive, teachable, it made him more kindly and more gentle.

This rather priggish, teachable, and well-behaved sort of boy, who is attracted by the prospect of assured income and a pension to win his way into the Civil Service, and who then by varied assiduities rises to a sort of timidly vindictive importance, is the last person to whom we would willingly entrust the vital interests of a nation.

" And AEsculapius proved to be a wise child, gentle and sweet and teachable; and among all the pupils of Cheiron he was the best loved.

For the second conjugation, it is i; as, from doc=ere, to teach, docibilis, or docilis, docible or docile, teachable.

Our problem therefore involves the further question, whether those forms of political thought which correspond to the complexity of nature are teachable or not?

On Saturday morning his preoccupation with her was so vivid that it distracted him even while he was teaching that most teachable subject, algebra, and by the end of the school hours the issue was decided and the Career in headlong rout.

And he learnt all these things submissively, being by nature and habit a teachable creature and only by food and accident gigantic.

The Lord grant that I may at last become an obedient and truly teachable child; for that faculty, whatsoever it be, that asks vociferously, seems not to be the one which, as I.P. says, "graspingly receives," but is rather a hinderance to its reception. 10th Mo. 14th.

He was so arbitrary and dogmatic that most people did not like him; but I appreciated his acquaintance, as he was a liberal thinker and had a world of information which he readily imparted to those of a teachable spirit.

It is wonderful, and passing wonder, how teachable and quick of perception and prehension is Nature in the studio of Art.

This natural desire upon their part was highly resented by their masters, who, instead of taking the most obvious means of remedying the evil, and employing the natives of the place, who appeared to be tractable and teachable enough, abused and threatened to beat the unfortunate people, convicted of what self-love styles "ingratitude.

He found his scholars a very teachable race, and it is only now necessary to describe the way in which any particular method should be practised, in order to secure success.

They did not mind being insulted; they overlooked exaggeration; they pardoned ignorancein a word, they proved teachable.

Will the rabble, we wonder, prove as teachable as the middle class?

Horses and dogs, bears and elephants, parrots and monkeys, are all teachable to some extent, and we have even heard of a learned pig.

Among slightly teachable mammals, however, there is one group more teachable than the rest.

Among slightly teachable mammals, however, there is one group more teachable than the rest.

Thenso far as the mysterious language of the legend can be interpretedthey appear to have withdrawn themselves to a more teachable race.

40 examples of  teachable  in sentences