30 examples of tention in sentences

de right kind of exercise an' plenty of 'tention, de hufs will take care ob demselves," and he held Caesar's foot up for her inspection.

"I've turned my 'tention to raisin' real black foxes, first thing," explained the other, with a touch of genuine pride in his manner, Max could easily see; "and if the try turns out as profitable as I reckon she promises to be, why, then, I'm figgerin' on tryin' to raise mink and marten and sech other furs as fetch top-notch prices.

And she worked, she talked, she tried, and nobody'd pay much 'tention but my father.

Mis' Popham does everything right on the dot, an' Lallie Joy 'n' me git turrible sick o' seein' that dot, 'n' hevin' our 'tention drawed to it if we don't see it.

I wasn't much up at de house in dem times, an' she was took away 'fore I give much 'tention ter her.

I don' pay no 'tention ter 'em, but dey riles me

Seems, ef he was a 'sect to fly in de face of all creation an' pay no 'tention to his centre o' gravity, he might walk up dis yer hill!" Mr. Raleigh left Marguerite a moment, to relieve Capua's perplexity.

What then?" "Dat day, massa, de letters had come from Massa Reuben out in Indy, an' massa's pipe kinder 'tracted Cap's 'tention, an' so he jist set down in massa's chair an' took a smoke.

The following may assist you in determining or arriving at some idea of the amount of power you are supplying with your engine: For instance, a I inch belt of the standard grade with the proper tention, neither too tight or too loose, running at a. maximum spead of 800 ft. a minute will transmit one horse power, running 1600 ft. 2 horse power and 2400 ft. 3 horse power.

I allus makes it a pint to show Southerners more 'tention dan I does to dese yer Northern folk, 'cause yer see I knows dey'r used to it, and can't get on widout it.

I didn't pay it much 'tention.

I didn't pay no tention to it then.

They didn't pay my crying no 'tention.

I never paid no tention to that war.

"Company, 'tention!"

Ef I hadn't ben boun' by solemn class-rules to pay some 'tention to Brother Wheatley's immortal soul "these words were uttered at the very top of her voice"you wouldn't 'a' caught me comin'; but I'll never come ag'in, never; so make yourself easy, Mis' Wheatley.

Fus', when de grapes 'uz gethered, de knots begun ter straighten out'n Henry's ha'r; en w'en de leaves begin ter fall, Henry's ha'r 'mence' ter drap out; en when de vimes 'uz bar', Henry's head wuz baller 'n it wuz in de spring, en he begin ter git ole en stiff in de j'ints ag'in, en paid no mo' 'tention ter de gals dyoin' er de whole winter.

Now, whuther 'ca'se Mars Jeems wuz so tuk up wid his own junesey dat he did n' paid no 'tention fer

"Dey wuz lookin' at one ernudder, en dey did n' naer one un 'em pay no 'tention ter de mule, who had turnt 'is head 'roun' en wuz lookin' at Sally ez ha'd ez he could, en stretchin' 'is neck en raisin' 'is years, en whinnyin' kinder sof' ter hisse'f.

Fust he did n' pay no 'tention ter it, but atter a w'ile he tol' 'em ef dey did n' stop dey foolis'ness, he gwine tie some un 'em up.

He come up side er her en 'mence' ter talk ter her; but she didn' paid no 'tention ter 'im, fer

'Tention, 'tention, hey; Miss Lucy says she wants you all up to the big house this morning.

'Tention, 'tention, hey; Miss Lucy says she wants you all up to the big house this morning.

I didn' pay no' tention to dem tho', for I know de evil spirit is dere.

"Us slaves didn' pay no 'tention to who owned us, leastways de young ones didn'.

30 examples of  tention  in sentences