545 examples of tinkered in sentences

" Frank tinkered with the motor and took a firm grip on the wheel.

He had tinkered gunscrews; why not a slipper?

The latter sin, sad to say, was begun by listening to his father cursing some obstinate kettle which refused to be tinkered, and it was perfected in the Parliamentary army.

And when, for any reason, his presence was in demand, the first place to look for him wasin the boat, and there, too, he was usually found, tinkering away with sheets, sails, or rudder and singing as he tinkered.

So when I'd said good-by to the creeturs,I remember just as plain how Ben put his great neck on my shoulder and whinnied like a baby,that horse know when the season came round and I was going in, just as well as I did,I tinkered up the barn-yard fence, and locked the doors, and went in to supper.

(The mere fact that the victim had once tinkered for her a decrepit parasol entitled him in her feudal mind to the high protection of the Tallafferr tradition.)

He helped the old man milk, and had tinkered up the broken kitchen-table, and put in half a dozen window-panes, and was intimate with all the boarders; could give the masons the prices of job-work at the East, and put Stoll the carpenter on the idea of contract houses, out of which he afterward made a fortune.

Last year he tinkered away on tobacco and sugar cane, things he knew nothing about....

It's like this: three months ago I crep' into this burg lookin' for a match, but the professions was overcrowded, there bein' fourteen lawyers, a half-dozen doctors, a chiropodist, and forty-three bartenders here ahead of me, not to speak of a tooth-tinker.

Her plans for the morning had provided for a brief landing while she tinkered with the machine, scorning his proffers of help; for a snub, if he chose to take advantage of their slight acquaintance; and for a triumphant departure when her pride and her curiosity had been appeased.

Not that we would have Shakspeare's metre tinkered where it seems defective, but that we would not have palpable gaps defended as intentional by the utterly unsatisfactory assumption of pauses and retardations.

Richard perhaps, and the immediate friends of the deceased Protector, with such of Dryden's relations as were attached to his memory, may have thought, like the tinker at the Taming of the Shrew, that this same elegy was "marvellous good matter."

Bunyan was of poor parentage, his father being a tinker.

They relate to the conversation of the travelling tinker.

Ed R. Tinker (E); 30Dec59; R249836.

On the cut-stone quay above, a line of cab driversa ticca-gharri stand, nothing lesslolled and chaffed and tinkered with their harnesses in every beautiful attitude of the ungirt East.

An' what think you, sor, I've travelled sixty miles an' tinkered forty clocks in the week gone.

And there was another curious thing about Darrel,these people and many more loved him, gathering about his chair as he tinkered, hearing with delight the lore and wisdom of his tongue, but, after all, there were none that knew him now any better than the first day he came.

" "What are you going to do, Will?" "First place, there's fences and things to be tinkered up, I see.

With these preliminary remarks we are now prepared to examine the legislation as it exists to-day (1910); cautioning our readers that this subject, as indeed all others concerning labor legislation, is so often tinkered in all our States as to make our statements of little permanent value, except that restrictions once imposed are rarely repealed.

It was always being tinkered with, but patching and alteration only seems to weaken it.

Twice the engines broke down and had to be tinkered up, and each time there were snow flurries to warn them of the imminence of winter.

So he went after a load of maple wood and Jabez come and tinkered and hammered and pounded and then sayin' with some of his pride returned into his port: "It will go now like clock work.

At last he gin in and Jabez attacked it agin, and tinkered and puttered at it all day, I watchin'

We've just got to have the old car tinkered up so it'll carry us on to the next place, wherever that is.

545 examples of  tinkered  in sentences