59 examples of waitz in sentences

The answer has been furnished by one of the greatest ethnologists, Theodor Waitz, who, after he had exposed the insufficiency of the accepted formulas, came to the conclusion that the differentiation of the blacks from the lighter peoples might be an error.

In this we have one of the best evidences against the theory of Waitz-Gerland that the differences in physical appearance are to be attributed to variation merely.

ed., 1884), Theodor Waitz in Marburg (1821-84; Foundation of Psychology, 1846; Text-book of Psychology, 1849), and Volkmann in Prague (1822-77; Text-book of Psychology, 3d.

1887; Th. Waitz, Aristotelis Organon, 1844-46; J. Walter in Königsberg, Die Lehre von der praktischen Vernunft in der griechischen Philosophie, 1874,

Editio quarta: post Georgium Waitz recognovit Karolus A. Kehr.

Post G.H. Perte recensuit G. Waitz.

Pauli Historia Langobardorum: edidit Georg Waitz.

Waitz notes that in Tahiti mothers compressed the heads of their infant boys "to make their aspect more terrible and thus turn them into more formidable warriors."

In the fifth volume of Waitz-Gerland's Anthropologie (Pt. II., 64-67), a number of authors are cited testifying that in the Micronesian Archipelago the natives of each island had special kinds of tattoo marks on different parts of the body, to distinguish them from others.

In the sixth volume of Waitz-Gerland (30-40) is gathered a large mass of evidence, all of which shows that on the Polynesian islands, too, tattooing was indulged in, not for aesthetic and amorous but for religious and practical reasons.

" No one can read the accounts of the initiatory ceremonies of Australian and Indian boys (convenient summaries of which may be found in the sixth volume of Waitz-Gerland and in Southey's Brazil III., 387-88) without becoming convinced that with them, as with the Samoans, etc., there was no thought of women or courtship.

(Waitz, V., Pt. II., 81, 188.)

The Maoris and Tongans best bear out Waitz-Gerland's assertion that "the Polynesians rank intellectually considerably higher than all other uncivilized peoples."

" Waitz remarks (III., 102): "How much alike human nature is everywhere is evinced by the remarkable circumstance that notwithstanding the degradation of woman, cases of romantic love are not even very rare" among Indians.

N.S.W., 1882, 201; and the old authorities cited by Waitz-Gerland, VI., 740; cf Frazer, 29.

[108] Waitz-Gerland, VI., 30.

See also the testimony in Hellwald (134-35) based on the observations of Oldfield, Koler, M'Combie, etc., and a number of other authorities cited by Waitz-Gerland, VI., 754-55.

See also Waitz, VI., 774; Macgillivray, II., 8; Hasskarl, 82.

(Waitz-Gerland, VI., 125.) See Schopenhauer's Gespräche (Grisebach), 1898, p. 40, and the essay on love, in Lichtenberg's Ausgewählte Schriften (Reclam).

Schoolcraft, IV., 224; Powers, 221; Waitz, IV., 132; Azara (Voyages), II., 94; von Martius, I.,412, 509.

Gerland: (See Waitz-Gerland).

Wagner, R. Waitz-Gerland: Anthropologie der Naturvölker.

Schematizing theories of this sort had been advanced long before LeBon began to write his book, and they were exploded long ago by Theodor Waitz and Hugh Murray.

H. Ternaux-Compans, Essai sur l'ancien Cundinamarca (Paris, N.D.), p. 56; Theodor Waitz, Anthropologie der Naturvölker iv. (Leipsic, 1864)

Th. Waitz, l.c.; A. Bastian, Die Culturländer des alten Amerika (Berlin, 1878), ii. 204.

59 examples of  waitz  in sentences