Which preposition to use with adjectives

in Occurrences 35%

He was obliged to collect sticks, and put a senseless round-bottomed kettle on a damp reluctant fire; to himself he used much stronger adjectives in describing both; he relieved his feelings slightly by saying that he never ate lunch, and by gloomily eying the game-pie instead of aiding Sarah to demolish it.

of Occurrences 33%

And, moreover, this idea queries the adjective of Belgian, Portuguese, French, and British Central Africa alike, just as emphatically as it queries "German."

for Occurrences 18%

Another thing to avoid is the use of words in the wrong parts of speech, as a noun for a verb, or an adjective for an adverb.

with Occurrences 12%

I use these adjectives with the greatest deliberation.

to Occurrences 8%

" I should hardly have applied quite such a complimentary adjective to Mr. Gow's gait myself, but all the same Joyce's diagnosis proved to be quite correct.

before Occurrences 7%

His mother held tightly to his arm as they went into the house; she seemed elder sister rather than mother, and he delighted her by telling her soomitting the qualifying adjective before the sister.

by Occurrences 5%

He has rounded off the adjectives by describing the movement as 'most foolish of all foolish schemes.'

after Occurrences 4%

Under this Head may be reckon'd the placing the Adjective after the Substantive, the Transposition of Words, the turning the Adjective into a Substantive, with several other Foreign Modes of Speech which this Poet has naturalized to give his Verse the greater Sound, and throw it out of Prose.

from Occurrences 4%

Girls who didn't know an adjective from an adverb an' would have been stuck by a simple sum in algebra could converse in French an' sing in Italian.

into Occurrences 4%

Under this Head may be reckon'd the placing the Adjective after the Substantive, the Transposition of Words, the turning the Adjective into a Substantive, with several other Foreign Modes of Speech which this Poet has naturalized to give his Verse the greater Sound, and throw it out of Prose.

without Occurrences 4%

We must get rid of that adjective without delay.

in Occurrences 3%

Nouns are derived from Adjectives in several different ways: 1.

as Occurrences 2%

What is said of adjectives as agreeing or disagreeing with their nouns in number?

at Occurrences 2%

Sometimes, I fear, she aims the adjectives at me.

like Occurrences 2%

the adjectives like, near, and nigh, the preposition to or unto is often understood; as, "It is like [to or unto] silver.

to Occurrences 1%

Of Nominatives absolute or independent, by Rule 8th; (4.) Of Adjectives to nouns or pronouns, by Rule 9th; (5.) Of Participles to nouns or pronouns, by Rule 20th; (6.)

after Occurrences 1%

They more frequently place ADJECTIVES after their nouns, than do prose writers; as, 1.

on Occurrences 1%

The yelping after spies, the heaping of adjectives on every trifling achievement of British arms, the ill-timed talk of snatching the enemy's trade in a war theoretically fought for a high principle, all that journalistic vulgaritywhich might be as characteristic of our own papers under similar circumstancesone is mercifully spared.

among Occurrences 1%

It was a frequent termination of certain adjectives among the Romans,as of those designating a person following the sea, or given to rural pursuits.

Which preposition to use with  adjectives