23 adjectives to describe schemers

Why, only for you I'd as like as not have been ruined; because alone and single-handed I never could have stood out against two clever and unscrupulous schemers.

Anyone but a bold and unscrupulous schemer would have been struck by the pathos of the solitary figure which now appeared in the tiny doorway.

" "Well, go on, go on; read what is underneath," urged Agnes, as Dora stopped; and Dora went on and read, "It seems that that arch schemer and swindler Frank Smithson, who got himself out of the country so successfully with his ill-gotten gains from the Star Mining Company, has dropped the last syllable from his too notorious name, and is now figuring in South America under the name of Smith.

The baffled schemers drank wormwood too; but they bore it differently.

The last days at Mecca had shown him a careful schemer, the early days at Medina proved his capacity as leader and his skill in organisation and government.

a mean, cowardly schemer, but her husband for all that!

He's a cute ould schemer, Tim is, though.

She could lovingly call the fond schemer, over and over, a brave, rash, generous little heroine and lay caresses on her twice and again, but to know whether this was Heaven's leading was beyond her.

The abolitionists led by Caruthers, May, and Garrison hurled their weapons at the reactionaries, branding them as inconsistent schemers.

In "Don Dieguito" the hero is taught the needed lesson of his own insignificance, since his wealthy uncle by a clever ruse causes the young man to see that the adulation that he has accepted as his due is in reality given by self-interested schemers who hope to profit by his vanity and gullibility.

Ye little schemer, ye know very well it's yerself that carries all before ye.

a mean, cowardly schemer, but her husband for all that!

The eldest son was a mighty schemer of wheeled engines; he had made himself a sort of giant bicycle that no road in the world had room for, no bridge could bear.

And thus will war continue to be made, until the great masses who are the sport of professional schemers and dreamers say the word which, shall bring, not eternal peace, for that is impossible, but a determination that wars shall be fought only in a just and righteous and vital cause.

All things to all men, plausible to the old, magnetic to the young, persuasive among the intellectual, impressive to the weak-minded, Gibbon Wakefield was always more than the mere clever, selfish schemer which many thought him.

The shrewd schemers noted her behavior.

" "Do you take me for a sordid schemer, like yourself?

And so he confessed, begging me to get word to you, so that if the unknown schemer did find a tool to carry out his evil plots you would be on your guard.

Frank changed his course just a trifle, but was now heading straight for the unprincipled schemer, who would have taken the chances of seriously injuring some of the party in order to further his own plans.

"'Sitting Bull' was dull in intellect, and not near as able a man as 'Gall,' 'Hump,' 'Crow,' and many others who were regarded as subordinate to him; but he was an adept schemer and very cunning, and could work upon the credulity of the Indians to a wonderful degree, and this, together with great obstinacy and tenacity, gained for him his world-wide reputation.

Well, come along then," as the wily schemer drew down her pretty lips into the aggrieved curve which always conquered his big, soft heart.

I should become a schemer, ambitious, intriguing, in the vain hope of proving myself to the world worthy of you.

No; John Saltram could scarcely hope to carry her off by a coup-de-main, in the face of the artful schemer who had evidently obtained so strong an influence over her.

23 adjectives to describe  schemers