Which preposition to use with dressers

with Occurrences 11%

he cried, very much as though he had been hailing the "main-top," whereupon the Sergeant emerged from between the clothes-press and the dresser with a black bottle in his hand, which he passed over to Peterday who set about brewing what he called a "jorum o' grog," the savour of which filled the place with a right pleasant fragrance.

in Occurrences 8%

"'Odds my life, but this goes off with a grace, brother Peter!" exclaimed the Baron de Willading, as he followed the vine-dressers in their retreat, with an amused eye"If we have much more like it, I shall forget the dignity of the bürgerschaft, and turn mummer with the rest, though my good for wisdom were the forfeit of the folly.

for Occurrences 7%

Nevertheless, she applied to one or two hair-dressers for employment, and met with abrupt refusals.

of Occurrences 4%

And a scene I did come upon, fit for Retzsch to outline;the cleanest kitchen, a dresser of white wood under one window, and the farmer's daughter, Melinda Tucker, moulding bread thereat in a ponderous tray; her deep red hair,yes, it was red and comely!

to Occurrences 4%

Her grandfather was running about there in great confusion, from dresser to fireplace, to table, to pantry, back and forth, breathless and red in the face.

at Occurrences 3%

" "Floretteall right?" "Why, what made you think any different?" "Who hooks her up now, Bert?" "She hires the dresser at the theatre.

as Occurrences 2%

She planned to leave them on Veronica's dresser as a surprise for her when she should return, and then sit in her own room and read until dinner time.

on Occurrences 1%

And now we were skirting the Quai de l'École, looking down upon the bath known in those days as Molino'sa hugh, floating quadrangular structure, surrounded by trellised arcades and rows of dressing-rooms, with a divan, a café restaurant, and a permanent corps of cooks and hair-dressers on the establishment.

under Occurrences 1%

The wine-shops, too, along the road, how tempting, with snowy table-cloths spread upon dressers under shady arbors of lemontrees; pleasant odors from the fry cooking in the stove, mixing with the perfume of the waxy flowers!

until Occurrences 1%

And Barbara set all away in the dresser until after supper.

up Occurrences 1%

He pulled a heavy dresser up to the window, and opened one of its drawers a few inches.

from Occurrences 1%

" Louise spoke as calmly as if she had not mailed Patricia's defiant letter to Aunt Jane, or discovered her cousin's identity in the little hair-dresser from Madame Borne's establishment.

during Occurrences 1%

A certain amount of slip is always taking placethe drive is designed for this purposeand the friction plates are adjusted by the yarn dresser during the operation of dressing to enable them to draw forward the beam, and to slip in infinitesimal sections, so that the yarn is drawn forward continuously and at uniform speed.

against Occurrences 1%

There is a dresser against wall back; a table down from dresser; room doors right and left.

Which preposition to use with  dressers