Which preposition to use with heather

in Occurrences 13%

To me it was a poor low season; if there were any good, I was too much like the heath in the desert,I knew not when it came.

of Occurrences 12%

THE DIFFERENCE IN THE QUALITY OF THE FLESH in various breeds is a well-established fact, not alone in flavour, but also in tenderness; and that the nature of the pasture on which the sheep is fed influences the flavour of the meat, is equally certain, and shown in the estimation in which those flocks are held which have grazed on the thymy heath of Bamstead in Sussex.

in Occurrences 12%

She was whistling the old tune of "Leezie Lindsay," a merry lilt with the hill wind and the heather in it.

to Occurrences 11%

We can get across the heath to where the car is.

at Occurrences 8%

Then Sir Lamorack perceived that there was heather at that place growing upon the rocks of the hillside, so he crawled into the heather and lay him down therein in a dry spot and immediately fell into such a deep sleep of weariness that it was more like to the swoon of death than to slumber.

of Occurrences 8%

" "And I," said Elspeth, "would be threading rowan berries for a necklace in the heather of Medwyn Glen.

on Occurrences 7%

Nelly, I dreamed I was in heaven, but heaven did not seem to be my home, and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights, where I woke sobbing for joy.

for Occurrences 6%

From Beaulieu I set out in the afternoon across the Forest, and at first over the western part of Beaulieu Heath for Brockenhurst.

with Occurrences 6%

From what could vanity proceed In such a little lisping lad? Or was it vanity indeed? Or was he only very glad? For he without his maid may go To the heath with elder boys, And pluck ripe berries where they grow: Well may William then rejoice.

at Occurrences 5%

The evidence of the tram-men is that he set off across the Heath at a very rapid rate.

near Occurrences 4%

The third is the Natterjack, or running toad (Bufo Rubeta), a most beautifully-spotted animal, with a yellow stripe down his back, which is common with us at Eversley, and common also in many moorlands of Hants and Surrey; and, according to Fleming, on heaths near London, and as far north-east as Lincolnshire; in which case it will belong to the Germanic fauna.

with Occurrences 4%

We went on, striking straight for the open moorland which we knew bounded the woods in that direction, and before the light had entirely faded we found ourselves out amongst the heather with the distant hills looming dark against the horizon.

through Occurrences 2%

Dundee had himself been repulsed by a handful of Covenanters at Loudoun Heath through the strength of their position.

beside Occurrences 2%

And, just for fun, he did it, taking to the heath beside the road, twisting his long body in and out amongst gorse, heather, and bracken, very noiselessly, with wonderful dexterity.

by Occurrences 2%

The time shall come when I, perhaps, may tread Your lowly glens, o'erhung with spreading broom, Or o'er your stretching heaths by fancy led

from Occurrences 2%

She laid her information before an attentive, if not very respectful, audience gathered round the tea-table at Old Place, the Naylors' handsome house on the outskirts of Sprotsfield and on the far side of the heath from Inkston.

into Occurrences 2%

"So we call, in Berkshire, squatters on the moor who live by tying heath into brooms.

from Occurrences 2%

BY EDWIN WAUGH Author of "Lancashire Sketches", "Poems and Lancashire Songs", "Tufts of Heather from the Northern Moors", etc, etc.

on Occurrences 2%

Ebers, being literary, constructed in his plot a bed of heather on which he lay and read or made verses.

to Occurrences 2%

What is left of the waning light shows the rough track over the heather to High Horcum.

about Occurrences 1%

It was quiet in the hills of the Clyde, and there was rest and healing in the heather about Dunoon.

as Occurrences 1%

Here on the left arose to the still, blue bosom of the sky the three great Eildon Hills, with their heads crowned with heather as with an emerald diadem.

between Occurrences 1%

Thousands on thousands of pavilions, white as snow, dotted the upland, dale, and down, and checkered the heath between town and forest.

among Occurrences 1%

On the heath among the bushes is a low furze with which it is in part covered.

beneath Occurrences 1%

At length the last day of the seven years approached, and Bearskin went and sat down again on the heath beneath the circle of trees.

Which preposition to use with  heather