Which preposition to use with infusions

of Occurrences 155%

"Tea, my dear Evadne," he said, as he passed her cup to be refilled, "is an infusion of poison which is slowly but surely destroying the coatings of the gastronomical organ of the female portion of society.

in Occurrences 9%

It was the poisonous infusion in the cup, which, though constituting but a very slight portion of its contents, perilled the life of every one who partook of it.

of Occurrences 3%

A Man of a fine Taste in Writing will discern, after the same manner, not only the general Beauties and Imperfections of an Author, but discover the several Ways of thinking and expressing himself, which diversify him from all other Authors, with the several Foreign Infusions of Thought and Language, and the particular Authors from whom they were borrowed.

to Occurrences 2%

L. E. D.The flowers of this plant yield upon expression a deep red juice, and impart the same colour by infusion to aqueous liquors.

into Occurrences 1%

And lastly, we find in the technical terms of Masonry, in its working tools, in the names of its grades, and in a large majority of its symbols, ample testimony of the strong infusion into its religious philosophy of the elements of an operative art.

by Occurrences 1%

The latter dry them after one infusion by their masters and, mixing some unused leaves, make up a fresh box and dispose of it in the markets.

for Occurrences 1%

Some people suppose the manner of preparing tea has much to do with its deleterious effects, and that by infusion for two or three minutes only, the evils resulting from the tannin will be greatly lessened.

as Occurrences 1%

Lex. explains infusion as 'endowments, qualities,' and it may be right.]

Which preposition to use with  infusions