7 Metaphors for whut

" "Whut is gran' larceny?" asked Tump.

As he entered the rickety gate, old Caroline called out: "Whut is you after, anyway, white man?" Bobbs turned cold, truculent eyes on the old negress.

Piggy said, "Bu-ud?" "Whut," was the response.

"Whut become o' the lad?" "Him?

"Whut become o' the lad?" "Him?

He started in a great big grown up man, an' whut is mo', He nevuh had da right kind uf a wife.

'Tain't no fun tacklin' whut looks lak a ghos', but Ah reckon Ah'll make that smahty think he's real flesh an' blood fo' Ah gits through with him!"

7 Metaphors for  whut