Which preposition to use with parks

of Occurrences 136%

We occasionally brought back friends who preferred the quiet cool drive through the Park of St. Cloud to the crowd and dust of the railway.

in Occurrences 101%

I am not responsible for the persons that walk in their own park in their own country.

with Occurrences 55%

Immediately after dinner the men all smoked everywhere, in the drawing-room, on the terrace, some taking a turn in the park with Bismarck.

at Occurrences 50%

Nearly all Abdallah's artillery was left behind in a gun park at Jaffa owing to lack of transport, and though he had a numerically superior force he did not like Napoleon's dispositions, and retreated when Kleber moved up the plain to pass between Gaza and the sea, and the cavalry advanced east of the Mound of Hebron, or Ali Muntar, as we know the hill up which Samson is reputed to have carried the gates and bar of Gaza.

to Occurrences 39%

' She heartily agreed, and they began to get on beautifully again, when she suddenly said to him: 'Is it true you were seen talking in the park to that girl Miss Turnbull, on Sunday?' 'If you say I was seen, I was.

on Occurrences 35%

" "How long have you been, coming here?" asked the astounded Mr. P. "Nigh on to three days, yer honor, and I drove as fast as I could, hopin' to get back by the Sunday in time for the Centhral Park, but I had to stop sometimes for feed and wather, and it's no use me whippin' up afther all, for sorra the good them horses will be for the Centhral Park on the Sunday.

for Occurrences 30%

Very scurvily, that is to say, be always fashionably drunk, despise the Tyranny of your Bed, and reign absolutelykeep a Seraglio of Women, and let my Bastard Issue inherit; be seen once a Quarter, or so, with you in the Park for Countenance, where we loll two several ways in the gilt Coach like Janus, or a Spread-Eagle.

near Occurrences 19%

"Another hostile aeroplane was brought down by us, and one of our aviators succeeded in dropping several bombs over the German line, one incendiary bomb falling with considerable effect on a transport park near LaFère.

by Occurrences 9%

In old times this country abounded in buffalo, elk, deer of two species, sheep, and antelope, and if set aside as a State park by Montana, it would offer an admirable game refuge, and one still stocked with all its old-time animals, except the elk and the buffalo.

as Occurrences 9%

Cougars, known in the Park as elsewhere through the West as "mountain lions," are plentiful, having increased in numbers of recent years.

from Occurrences 8%

"I'll go and find the little scamp; a run will do me good; so will a breath of air and a view of the park from the upper windows.

into Occurrences 8%

" CHAPTER IX CONSPIRATORS The great automobile swung out of the park into the avenue, and Stella drew a little sigh of regret.

outside Occurrences 6%

They drove through the built up area between Lihue and Kapaa and parked outside a medical complex.

under Occurrences 5%

The old manor house is delightfully situated in its beautiful park under the dark height of Chanctonbury, and though much altered, retains on the whole its fine Elizabethan character.

without Occurrences 5%

All this proved to me that I was indeed upon the old road, and so I went on across Cobham Park without a thought of the great house, intent now on the noble city of Rochester, which presently as I came over the last hill I saw standing in all its greatness over the broad river of Medway, its mighty castle four square upon the further bank.

around Occurrences 5%

10 How fine the park around it lies!

about Occurrences 4%

Then they emerged into a gentle, rolling, upland, where cultivated fields spread far into the horizon, and in the distance a dense grove, which proved to be the park about the house.

against Occurrences 4%

In 1866, we once closed the park against them, and the consequence was a riot in which the police suffered severely from brick-bats, and the mob finally took hold of the iron fence and tore it away for a long distance along the park, made their entry, and took their own way."

during Occurrences 4%

" Thus he delivered himself, and turned to go; but paused at the door to add, "Also, Mrs. Denys, will you be good enough to remember that it is against my express command that either you or any of the children should enter any part of Rodding Park during my absence.

than Occurrences 4%

It was founded in the year 1743, but is more like a natural park than a garden, as it is by no means so remarkable for its collection of flowers and plants as for the number of trees and shrubs, which are distributed here and there with studied negligence in the midst of large grass-plots.

before Occurrences 3%

Immediately on passing through its portals, we saw the stately palace in the distance, but made a wide circuit of the park before approaching it.

like Occurrences 3%

And then one evening in the Park like a flash came the plan.

up Occurrences 3%

There is a right of way through the park up to the house, which belongs to the Earl of C, but is not of great architectural interest.

across Occurrences 3%

A spring shower, hardly fallen, was already drying on the sidewalks, and from the patch of Bryant Park across the maze of car-tracks there stole the immemorial scent of rain-water and black earth, a just-set-out crescent of hyacinths giving off their light steam of fragrance.

between Occurrences 3%

The wagon train afterward went into park between the railroad and the Rio Grande, near enough to enable the men to get what was necessary for their comfort during the night.

Which preposition to use with  parks