Which preposition to use with retailing

to Occurrences 12%

We do not know what Alcibiades said to his man-servant about the care of his clothes, baths, perfumes,nor what his man-servant retailed to other retainers of the eccentricities and vanities of his master.

of Occurrences 8%

Ere the company departs each member subscribes a pice for the story-teller, who in this way earns about forty pice a day, no inconsiderable income in truth for the mere retail of second-hand fables: and then with a word of peace to the landlord the men troop slowly forth to their homes.

at Occurrences 7%

And then, before we could rush from the room where we had been so shamefully duped, the head of A.R.R. appeared at a little window in the partition-wall, and he called out: "Gentlemen, this mixture is, as my initials declare, a Radical Relief, and retails at one dollar per bottle, I hope you will take some of my circulars home with you," and he threw among the crowd the package of circulars which he had held in his hand.

in Occurrences 7%

If the author of the "Ménagier" is to be believed, the women who sold milk by retail in the towns were well acquainted with the method of increasing its quantity at the expense of its quality.

with Occurrences 5%

Some of the incidents which Lady Mary retails with so much humour may be accepted as not outraging the conventions of the early eighteenth century when it was customary to call a spade a spade; when gallantry was gallantry indeed, and the pursuit of it openly conducted.

for Occurrences 4%

As it may interest some of my readers, I will endeavour to retail for their amusement a sketch which was given me of a scene of boat-racing in the olden time.

of Occurrences 3%

Carleton was obliged to stop the retailing of spirits for fear the slacker men would be getting out of hand.

as Occurrences 2%

Retailing as a career.

among Occurrences 2%

This one prospectus, coupled with its prompt success, is sufficient to prove the falsehood of all the stories so industriously retailed among us from the Standard and the Despatch.

without Occurrences 1%

Thus I am informed, that at Gayhead, spirituous liquors are retailed without license, and that it is considered that there is no power which can reach the abuse.

by Occurrences 1%

Retailing by countrymen forbidden in towns by statute of Philip.

during Occurrences 1%

In 1570 fines are received for retailing during service time, from proceeds of forfeitures of pots and dishes, etc., etc.).

Which preposition to use with  retailing