Which preposition to use with snares

of Occurrences 96%

And, not to mention all his deeds, each of which was full of most artful deception, he so wrought upon me by his own craft, or else the fates willed it should so happen, that I straightway found myself enmeshed in the snares of sudden and unthought-of love, in a manner beyond all my powers of telling, and so I remain unto this very hour.

for Occurrences 31%

When these things were over, the nations round about the Jews were very uneasy at the revival of their power and rose up together and destroyed many of them, as gaining advantage over them by laying snares for them and making secret conspiracies against them.

in Occurrences 23%

If he hadn't got snared in his trailing coat he would have won that race.

to Occurrences 20%

How else can they be aught but a mockery, a delusion, and a snare to the tens of thousands who have found in them hope and trust, that God would deliver them and the world from evil?

by Occurrences 9%

He used no gun, but he would set snares by the water-holes for quail and doves, and in the trout country he carried a line.

of Occurrences 5%

"Snares of the human species, torments of life, spoils of the night, bitterest cares of day, the torture of husbands, the ruin of youths.

into Occurrences 5%

I am certain that even now you are in the ship, that you are preparing snares into which I shall in all probability fall.

on Occurrences 4%

Perils and snares on every ground Like these wild beasts beset us round.

within Occurrences 2%

Be not snared within his net.

without Occurrences 2%

But fate willed that they should be snared without any effort on his part whatever, for just then a porter came by with a truck piled high with luggage, and it and the invalid chair combined to form an impasse from which there was no escaping.

unto Occurrences 2%

Yet a mocking love-bed hurried him as he approached the couch into a sea of trouble; for he lay with a cloud, pursuing the sweet lie, fond man: for its form was as the form of the most highest among the daughters of heaven, even the child of Kronos; and the hands of Zeus had made it that it might be a snare unto him, a fair mischief.

IN Occurrences 2%


at Occurrences 2%

His duty, his inclination perhaps, certainly his ambition, and every dictate of prudence and policy required that he should break away from these snares at once and go to meet Octavia.

for Occurrences 1%

We are very Curious to observe the Behaviour of Great Men and their Clients; but the same Passions and Interests move Men in lower Spheres; and I (that have nothing else to do but make Observations) see in every Parish, Street, Lane, and Alley of this Populous City, a little Potentate that has his Court, and his Flatterers who lay Snares for his Affection and Favour, by the same Arts that are practised upon Men in higher Stations.

with Occurrences 1%

" The colonel's greed had triumphed over his wits, and he had fallen into my snare with greater readiness than I could have hoped.

along Occurrences 1%

But the sea had taken his snares along with the rest.

than Occurrences 1%

If the Gospel of work were to be paramount, he would have filled his days with feverish energy; but from the beginning to the end there is abundance of texts and incidents which show that he thought excessive industry rather a snare than otherwise.

behind Occurrences 1%

Then she glanced up at Kate, throwing a supplicating glance from the blue eyes which looked as if they were snared behind their long dark lashes.

like Occurrences 1%

" "And there is no possibility of escape," returned Nizza, bursting into tears; "we are snared like birds in the nets of the fowler.

Which preposition to use with  snares