Which preposition to use with sorrowful

for Occurrences 11%

Now when I had seen all this, to say nothing of the old school-room over the Lady Chapel and the Norman house and castle mound of the De Redvers, somewhat sorrowful for many things, I began to think again of the Forest, and immediately set out where the road led to Lyndhurst, and this just before midday.

than Occurrences 7%

"But her sweet face looked more sorrowful than joyful when I came in.

in Occurrences 6%

And though he be at a banquet, or at some merry feast, "he sighs for grief of heart" (as Cyprian hath it) "and cannot sleep though it be upon a down bed; his wearish body takes no rest," [1850]"troubled in his abundance, and sorrowful in plenty, unhappy for the present, and more unhappy in the life to come."

as Occurrences 5%

A taxicab slid by, its honk as sorrowful as the cry of a plover in a bog.

at Occurrences 4%

But I am not able to die, but am altogether strong and haleonly very sorrowful at heart."

to Occurrences 3%

The day seemed very long and sorrowful to the poor child.

on Occurrences 3%

Had it not been for her great wealth the whole matter would have passed unnoticed; for wealth is still a burden upon its owners, and there are many who must perforce go away sorrowful on account of their great possessions.

by Occurrences 2%

And the sound grew, and came across the Hills of the Babes, and did be breathed forth by Million after Million, so that in a little I to hear the Song of Weeping sung very low and sorrowful by the multitudes.

with Occurrences 2%

For he could not bear to see Sir Tristram so noble and so sorrowful with love of the Lady Belle Isoult.

from Occurrences 2%

And Sir Tristram looked upon them with pity and beheld that they were in a very sad and forlorn condition and so sorrowful from their captivity that some of them wept from pure weakness of heart.

without Occurrences 1%

In those days, as a general rule, you are never sorrowful without knowing the reason why.

after Occurrences 1%

They became more and more sorrowful after this, covered their heads, and sat down to weep and pray.

before Occurrences 1%

Sleepless old age, sharp and unrelieved pain, youth sorrowful before the time, shall seek it out, shall flock unto the counters of its fortunate publishers (she has three firms in her mind's eye; one in Boston, one in New York, and one in Philadelphia; but who the happy men are to be is not yet definitely decided), who shall waste their inheritance in distributing it throughout the length and breadth of a grateful continent.

like Occurrences 1%

His rich, low tones had the strangest significance to her; she felt sure he must have lived through long experiences, sorrowful like her own.

of Occurrences 1%

He was a good stout knight, but sorrowful of face and downcast of mien.

through Occurrences 1%

"Mine eyes are sorrowful through mine affliction:" and that made him turn unto God.

under Occurrences 1%

In a Word, he was so pleasant a Man, that no one could be sorrowful under his Government.

about Occurrences 1%

Something very strange and sorrowful about these mighty creatures.

Which preposition to use with  sorrowful