Which preposition to use with stretch

of Occurrences 933%

Everywhere, it lay, a great level stretch of white, which caught and reflected, gloomily, the somber coppery glows of the dying sun.

from Occurrences 212%

Look, if you will, upon the World of Souls, many-tiered and vast, stretching from day's end to day's end,a world of hunger and of anger, of toiling and of striving, of clamor and of triumph,a dim, upheaving mass, which from century to century wakes, and breathes, and sleeps again!

on Occurrences 208%

About this period, one afternoon in the month of March, when I repaired to the hermitage as usual, I found my venerable friend stretched on his humble pallet, breathing very quickly, and seemingly in great pain.

in Occurrences 152%

Just as there are vast stretches in the world where the foot of man has never trod, so there are unmeasured regions whereon prayer has never been.

across Occurrences 148%

The salon reserve had a blue ribbon stretched across the entrance from door to door, and was guarded by huissiers, old hands who knew everybody in the diplomatic and official world, and would not let any one in who hadn't a right to penetrate into the charmed circle (which of course became the one room where every one wanted to go).

to Occurrences 125%

It happened when I was a boy, at the old homestead, in the valley that stretches to the southwest from the head of Crooked Lake.

for Occurrences 75%

Four or five miles down the lake, is a beautiful bay, stretching for near half a mile around a high promontory, almost reaching another bay winding around a like promontory beyond, leaving a peninsula of five hundred acres joined to the main land, by a narrow neck of some forty rods in width.

before Occurrences 72%

Under the combined blaze of their radiances, the wilderness that stretched before me, became steadily more visible.

along Occurrences 69%

The blue Coast Range was seen stretching along the sky like a beveled wall, and the somber, craggy Marysville Buttes rose impressively out of the flooded plain like islands out of the sea.

over Occurrences 69%

Well, our tents were stretched over those stakes, those boughs were our bed, and those charred chunks are the remains of our campfire, that sent a sepulchral light among the forest trees around.

at Occurrences 64%

Old Sangamo himself was stretched at full length on the bank, fast asleep.

between Occurrences 60%

While on the Carso, that rock-wilderness which stretches between Gorizia and Trieste, where fighting, especially in hot weather, supplies a supreme test of human endurance, the Italians have pushed on and on, from point to point, till now they are within ten miles of Trieste.

into Occurrences 28%

A rumor spread that they were to have a hot supper, and, sure enough, they were marched in, dividing on each side of four long tables that stretched into spectral distance, in the feeble glimmer of the oil-lamps hanging from the ceiling.

like Occurrences 28%

There were stops in which fielders seemed to stretch like india rubber and others in which they shriveled like parchment which has been dried.

beyond Occurrences 22%

Again, if we advance drawn up very many deep, the enemy will stretch beyond us on both sides, and will employ the parts that outreach us in any way they may think proper; and if we advance only a few deep, it would not be at all surprising if our line be broken through by showers of missiles and men falling upon us in large bodies.

towards Occurrences 18%

She put out her arms to him as his mother snatched him from his little bed; and he, which was more wonderful, stretched towards her in his innocence, turning away from them all.

with Occurrences 18%

A man like this, though he may be vilified and slandered for awhile, will eventually come in on the home stretch with a right bower to spare.

through Occurrences 16%

Central North-America is to an extraordinary degree worked out everywhere in careful detail, in moderate hill and valley, in undulating prairie and fertile plain,not tossed into barren mountain-masses and table-lands, like that vast desert plateau which stretches through Central Asia,not struck out in blank, like the Russian steppes and the South American llanos, as if Nature had wanted leisure to elaborate and finish.

toward Occurrences 16%

Major," said she, patting the hand he had stretched toward her, partly in delight and partly in protest.

beneath Occurrences 11%

Still, I fled onward, and, presently, I had come so close, that it seemed to stretch beneath me, like a great ocean of somber red.

around Occurrences 11%

The hut was very small, but not as low pitched as usual, and the place had about it an air of wild comfort, which made it a pleasant object in the otherwise unbroken landscape of pines, and huge rocks, and browling streams which stretched around it.

above Occurrences 10%

" Partridge commenced the over with a hard, straight drive, and at the same instant Thurston gave a little jump into the air with his right arm stretched above his head.

behind Occurrences 9%

In this error he was fortified by the first appearance of the Christians; for the extremity of their left wing, commanded by Barberigo, stretching behind the Aetolian shore, was hidden from his view.

without Occurrences 8%

Perplexed and comfortless he gazed around, And scarce could any trace of man descry, 25 Save cornfields stretched and stretching without bound; But where the sower dwelt was nowhere to be found.

out Occurrences 7%

Ever and ever comes the plain, fields are succeeded by other fields stretching out of sight, whose end a plough would only reach in months and months.

Which preposition to use with  stretch