13 Verbs to Use for the Word understood

" Then, howsoever patient, Yniol's heart Danced in his bosom, seeing better days, And looking round he saw not Enid there, (Who hearing her own name had stol'n away) But that old dame, to whom full tenderly And fondling all her hand in his he said, "Mother, a maiden is a tender thing, And best by her that bore her understood.

God means to make this land, John, Clear thru, from sea to sea, Believe an' understand, John, The wuth o' bein' free.

Dick Sand made a gesture of salutation, which doubtless the unknown understood, for, after some hesitation, he continued to advance.

I should not speak of this matter to thee, for it is secretbut to calm thee and help thee understand.

Yet if thou knewest him thou wouldst understand.

We know the burningwe understand, we three!"

For, definition being nothing but making another understand by words what idea the term defined stands for, a definition is best made by enumerating those simple ideas that are combined in the signification of the term defined: and if, instead of such an enumeration, men have accustomed themselves to use the next general term, it has not been out of necessity, or for greater clearness, but for quickness and dispatch sake.

"On St. Patrick's day," he continued, "the Dutch turn out in a body" "One moment, my dear fellow; I don't like to interrupt you, but this St. Patrick you speak ofhe was the great saint of Ireland, was he not?" "Goodcontinue; on St. Patrick's day" "The Dutch assemble and parade a figureyou understand, either of wood or a mana figure representing St. Patrick" "Possible!"

She turned herself quickly from the searching of his eyes, lest he should seeand understand.

I'm telling you flat, y' understand, that so long as we gotta take root here instead of going to Arizona like we'd planned it outso long's yo're gonna renig on the play like I say, the best thing we can do is string our chips with Jack Harpe's.

Dost understand me, my child?" "Ah!I understand," and Mistress Penwick looked up into the face that the darkness veiled.

I. Take of the first fruits, Father, of thy care, Wrapped in the fresh leaves of my gratitude Late waked for early gifts ill understood; Claiming in all my harvests rightful share, Whether with song that mounts the joyful air I praise my God; or, in yet deeper mood, Sit dumb because I know a speechless good, Needing no voice, but all the soul for prayer.

And these sports, why, they like 'em, sir; and a man must keep sober if he's to win a prizeyou understand, sir?' 'Yes, Duncan, I understand,' I said; 'it's first-rate for these young lads, and for the old lads too, for the matter of that.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  understood