1054 Verbs to Use for the Word world

So much was his heart in the work that he remarked on one occasion: "When I feel age creeping on me, and know I must soon dieI hope it is not wrong to say itbut I cannot bear to leave the world with all the misery in it".

" The first woman I met on my last visit to England upset my expectation of finding that war pushed women back into primitive conditions of toil, crushed them under the idea that physical force rules the world, and made them subservient.

He knew all the literary and educational world, not only in France but everywhere elseEngland, of course, where he had kept up with many of his Cambridge comrades, and Germany, where he also had literary connections.

I have seen the world.

Over his head as he putters with his soap and brushes, there hangs a rusty sign proclaiming that he is famous for his cleaning all round the world.

So, timidly, slowly, they stole forth from the dark, unveiling their beauties to their lord the sun and filling the world with the fragrance of their worship.

We enter a new worldthe under-world of water, and things that glide and swim; of sea-grasses and currents; of flowing waves that lap about the body with a cool chill; of palpitating color, that, at great depths, becomes a sort of darkness; of sea-beds of shell and sand, and bits of scattered wreckage; of ooze and tangled sea-plants, dusky shapes, and fan-like fins.

It would save them a world of trouble.

She whispered to him the text, "God so loved the world"; and, though he gave no sign of taking it in, yet presently, when she repeated it, big tears rolled down his face.

Caesar and Flamen both instinctively dreaded it, not because it aimed at riches or power, but because it strove to conquer that other world in the moral nature of mankind, where it could establish a throne against which wealth and force would be weak and contemptible.

If my unexampled adventure had had no other rewardif I had cared nothing for the triumph of discovering a new world with all its wondersEveena, this discovery alone is reward in full for all my studies, toils, and perils.

Sign me a present pardon for my brother, or I will tell the world aloud what man thou art!"

Politicians will dislike that man, because they think that not God, but they, govern the world, by those very politics and knavish tricks, which we pray God to confound, whenever we sing "God save the Queen."

He saw again the young brother, handsome, easy-going to a fault, but with a sense of honor so fine as to shrink in indignation from the slightest breath of shame; read again the closing words of the farewell letter which he had read for the first time on the day now so long ago, which he would have given worlds to recall, and which, from out the shadowy recesses of eternity, laughed at his futile wish.

I create me a world wherein is neither hunger nor stripes, a world of joy and laughter, for, blessed within his dreams, even a fool may walk with gods and juggle with the stars!" "Aye," nodded Beltane, "but how when he awake?"

Take the work of Missions alone: Has there ever before been a body which attempted to bring the whole world into its fellowship, to make known everywhere its ideals, and to share with all living a spiritual inheritance?

And I can think of nothing more beautiful than that a useful man who has faced the world for seventy years and has done his part, should come back in his old age to the nursery and be the playfellow of his grandchildren.

Next morning Rudolph Musgrave found the world no longer an impassioned place, but simply a familiar habitation,no longer the wrestling-ground of big emotions, indeed, but undoubtedly a spot, whatever were its other pretensions to praise, wherein one was at home.

To-day we find ourselves fighting side by side in the same campaign, we to redeem this territory from the Austrian yoke, you to maintain the liberty of your national existence from the German menace, both of us, moreover, to set the whole world free from the peril of falling under the dominion of that race, hard in temper as a granite rock, which finds in the Austro-Hungarian Empire a willing ally in its rapes and aggressions.

They explored the world of metaphysical speculation.

What a new world it seems to open out to the writer!

For a long time he remained on the top of the ridge that divided his world.

Outside, the weaving, fluttering light held the world.

Early in March, after several days of ominous silence in regard to events in Petrograd, the news of a successful revolution in Russia astonished the world.

There again she fell into her old ways, and had a son by king Bimbisâra; but she was won over by Buddha to virtue and chastity, renounced the world, and attained to the state of an Arhat.]

1054 Verbs to Use for the Word  world