185 oraciones de ejemplo con attention

=atención=, f., attention; =prestar =, to pay attention.

In 1871 his novel appeared, making no sensation, but attracting the favorable attention of a few competent judges.

Naturally, there is great inequality in the execution of so long a list of tales (twenty in all), and the reader's attention at times flags.

=feroces=) ferocious, wild, savage, rebellious =festejo= m. feast, entertainment =fiel= faithful, trustworthy =fijamente= fixedly =fijarse en= fix eyes or attention on =fijo, -a= fixed =fila= f. rank, row, file =filosofía= f.

=Dictado y Puntuación= =Presten ustedes atención.= Pay attention.

Attention tout de même: il faut rester dans la cohérence du récit et assurer stabilité et visibilité!

So far, all I've been able to see is that electronic media undermines the print form in two ways: a) providing completely alternative presses that draw attention away from the previous strongholds, and b) forcing the print publications to spend resources trying to counteract this trend.

Cliquez sur "Translate" pour obtenir la traduction (attention, les traductions en arabe et en japonais sont extrêmement lentes!

In general the text has gained by the author's later attention, though there is an occasional spot where the style seems fresher and more vigorous in the older form.

=atención=, f., attention.

=caso=, m., case, event, contingency; =hacer de=, =122=, 24, to pay attention to, to consider, to regard; =en su =, =50=, 14, in your case, in your place, in your shoes; = de=, =56=, 21, in case of.

=esmero=, m., eagerness, assiduity; care, attention, =19=, 5, etc.

=fineza=, f., flattery; delicate attention, courtesy.

=atención=, f., attention; =llamar la atención=, to attract the attention.

=atención=, f., attention; =llamar la atención=, to attract the attention.

=atender= (=ie=), to heed, pay attention, provide.

=caso=, m., result, circumstance, fact, case; =el caso es=, the fact is; =en caso de que=, in case; =hacer al caso=, to be of importance; =hacer caso= (=á=), to pay attention, heed.

=cuidado=, m., care, attention; =¡cuidado!= look out! be careful!; =con cuidado=, carefully.

=detención=, f., delay, careful attention.

=fijar=, to fix; =fijarse en=, to notice, pay attention to.

Why do you never pay attention to what I say to you? (b) 1.

I advised him not to pay for it, but he paid no attention to my advice.

=caso=, m., case, place; =hacer de=, to pay attention to.

In studying his personality I naturally paid attention to the chronological order of circumstances which finally opened to the man the doors of the Tsar’s palace, and I discovered that the first preliminary was his acquaintance with the well known, pious, and learned churchmen Bishops Theofan and Hermogen.

As so much was bruited in the public press about the immorality of Rasputine, the closest attention was given to this phase of his question.

185  oraciones de ejemplo con  attention