76 adjectives to describe divine

The great statesmen, the eminent divines, the reverend judges, the learned lawyers, the wealthy landholders and merchants are all leagued together to repel innovation.

The next person, whom I shall mention, is Richard Baxter, the celebrated divine among the nonconformists.

Nay, he was a thorn in the side of the parson himself, for whom he used to lie in wait with knotty questions,snares set to entrap the worthy divine, in the hope of beguiling him into a controversy respecting some abstruse point of doctrine, in which the cobbler, who had every verse of the Bible at his tongue's end, was not apt to come off second best.

"You remind me more of the romantic youth I once knew than of the grave divine.

There was a dignity and solemnity in the manner in which this pious divine entered on the duties of his profession, which disposed the heart to listen with reverence and humility to precepts that were accompanied with so impressive an exterior.

O Mar-bu-du, whose rays invest Dear Nipur with thy light divine, The flames that shines, upon the Waste!

He was one of the most eloquent and learned divines in the cityfearless, forcible and aggressivethe Henry Ward Beecher of the Northwest.

One thinks herself a complete historian, after reading Echard's Roman History; another a profound philosopher, having got by heart some of Pope's unintelligible essays; and a third an able divine, on the strength of Whitefield's sermons: thus you hear them screaming politics and controversy.

As long as a German Protestant divine keeps himself stiff and stedfast to the Augsburg Confession, to the full Creed of Melancthon, he is impregnable, and may bid defiance to sceptic and philosopher.

The reverend divine might submit to the obligation, but he has no occasion to subscribe to the jest.

The sea does not produce many very orthodox divines.

[Footnote 1: 'Bacon:' Friar, whose study was to fall when a wiser man than he entered it] [Footnote 2: 'Lydiat:' a learned divine, who spent many of his days in prison for debt; he lived in Charles the First's time.

He was a type of the early evangelical divines, and was the father of the old Puritan strictness and narrowness and fidelity to trusts.

It seemed to change his face from the similitude of a benevolent divine to something hard, almost satanic.

" CLAUDE, JEAN, a French Protestant controversial divine, a powerful antagonist of Bossuet and other Catholic writers, allowed only 24 hours to escape on the eve of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, though other Protestant ministers were allowed 15 days (1619-1687).

Dun, though a man of sincere good principles as a presbyterian divine, discovered,' &c. First edition, p. 478.

" Ladies, as might naturally be expected, are even more enthusiastic in advocating the claims of their favourite divines.

Colonizationists and slaveholders, and many northern divines, solemnly affirm, that the situation of a slave is far preferable to that of a free negro; hence it would seem an act of humanity to convert the latter into the former.

I was lately quite astonished to learn that some sincere, but stupid American divines have fallen foul of the eloquent author of "Elsie Venner," and accused him of fearful heresy, because he declared his confident belief that "God would never make a man with a crooked spine and then punish him for not standing upright."

Dr. Hewet was an episcopalian divine, permitted to preach at St. Gregory's, and had long been one of the most active and useful of the royal agents in the vicinity of the capital.

The Lord alone, when he was in the world, was wise and did good from himself; because the essential divine from birth was in him and was his; therefore also from his own ability he was made the Redeemer and Saviour."

Every thing, according to these fervent divines, which fell short of re-establishing presbytery as the sole and predominating religion, all that did not imply a full restoration of the Solemn League and Covenant, was an imperfect and unsound composition between God and mammon, episcopacy and prelacy.

One of the foremost divines in the East who has a deep concern in Base Ball and Base Ball players is Rev. Dr. Reisner, pastor of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, of New York City.

His backwardness in the university hath set him thus forward; for had he not truanted there, he had not been so hasty a divine.

A brother clergyman, complimenting him upon the honour of being so invited, the old bald-headed divine modestly replied, "Gude bless you, man, what can I do?

76 adjectives to describe  divine