52 adjectives to describe fellers

"Pony, he's a little feller," Milo would say pitifully.

"'And give them two pore fellers a crust o' bread and cheese and 'arf-a- pint of four ale each,' he ses to the barmaid.

"You dunno himlong, slim feller, black hair and eyes, and a hawky kind of nose?

The buck was a hungry, long-legged feller, and when we neared him Mike said to me: "Hist!

"Jus' de t'ing for a handsome young feller like Dick," she muttered to herself.

"Because he was a selfish feller; he always was.

As a big corpulent feller, who, I should judge, was gittin' readdy to jine a Fat mans club, went over me, I catched him by the heel.

I'll put it off another year, an' cuss them other fellers into holdin' off, too.

Aw, the cute li'l feller!

When he was gone Kelley looked over the top of the paper toward the door and growled: "Dat feller's no good!

If he's a decent feller, we'll let him in on a claim.

"A nice, fat little feller," rapturously exclaimed Captain Tonkins, taking the proffered jug.

I could have took my Bible oath there was a great, big, black, curly-haired feller with lots of teeth down there.

I s'pose there's things left-handed fellers can do, and I must learn 'em as soon as possible, since my fightin' days are over," and Joe looked at his one arm with a sigh that was almost a groan, helplessness is such a trial to a manly man,and he was eminently so.

handiest feller with his fingers I ever seen.

He wasn't a bad-hearted feller in some ways, yet on the whole he felt it was an honour to a looking-glass to have the pleasure of reflecting him.

The buck was a hungry, long-legged feller, and when we neared him Mike said to me: "Hist!

"The door went down like nothin', because we was both husky fellers in them days, and as she smashed in the fall upset two of the boys sittin' closest and gave 'em no chance on a quick draw.

" There was not a great deal to be made out of that old New-England farmer; and his good-natured contempt for a lot of ignorant young "city fellers," in good clothes, did not require any further expression.

" "A jealous feller sees two things for every one that really happens, Lee.

I believe some women are better off to marry, though I can't say but what I believe a single state is as good; but a woman that gets a real lazy, selfish feller gets pretty near the worst thing there is.

He was returning to his rooms between ten and eleven, when, as he came to a dark corner, a man suddenly stepped out and said: "Give us a light, young feller.

but what those lousy fellers believe when they've bin hittin' the bottle too longa sort of great animal that lives up yonder," he jerked his head northwards, "quick as lightning in its tracks, an' bigger'n anything else in the Bush, an' ain't supposed to be very good to look atthat's all!"

I'm one of the luckiest fellers ever was born.

But Sam, in jest that way of hisen, laid low and sort o' did the best he could with what he had to do with, sort o' speculated and increased her likin' for him on the sly (mean fellers will git ahead of good ones five times out of ten, wimmen are so queer).

52 adjectives to describe  fellers