441 adjectives to describe gaming

Mr. BUTLER said he had a little game worth two of that.

It was on these rare occasions that he might have conveyed to a keen observer the impression that he was playing a very dangerous game with a smiling countenance.

The first place our boat stopped at is called the "Trout Pavillion," principally, so far as I can learn, on account of the immense number of pickerel caught there, and from the fact that it is unquestionably a good site for a Pavillion whenever the esteemed Proprietor turns up jacks enough, at his favorite game, to build one.

A grave simplicity was what she chiefly admired in her favourite game.

Have you ever thought what an exciting game it is, Lester, to defy society, to break the law, to know that the odds against you are a thousand to one, and yet to come out triumphant?

Why, when KERNELIUS was engaged in a friendly game of cards for keeps, up at Saratogy, some poor deluded money-maniac telegrafs that the Commodore had at last found his match, and had been gathered to his fathers.

" If they asked her for money for books or something to make their pet animals more comfortable, or for their outdoor games, she gave it to them willingly.

Then New York won nine straight games from the eastern clubs, being stopped finally by Philadelphia on the Polo Grounds.

In the entrance Middendorf welcomed the children and played a round game with them, ending with the flight of the little ones into the room, where each of them sat down in his place on the bench and took his box of building blocks.

I knew, of course, that if the game could be played by two American teams, it would be a much better game than if our team took part, and told the Olympic Committee, and wanted to withdraw, but as they did not know for sure how it would be, told us to go ahead with the arrangements just the same, and so we did, and by the time the Finland arrived, everything had been arranged for.

Some inglorious inventor had solved the problem of playing that royal game in an empty oblong room.

Gravitation would presently pull down my shoulders, my face would flaunt "the wrinkled spoils of age", my voice would waver ominously, and I should forfeit the dignities befitting even this decay by still playing childish games of belief with some foolish dog.

The pose of an animated, delightful child, hanging breathlessly upon the progress of some fascinating game: one's gaze lingered approvingly upon a bewitching profile with half-parted lips, saw that excitement was faintly colouring the cheeks beneath shadowy and enigmatic eyes, remarked the sweet spirit that poised that lovely head.

It was the monk Telemachus, according to the old story, who stopped the gladiatorial games at Rome, and was stoned by the people.

Not only the spruce and fir, but even the arbor-vitae and white pine, unlike the soft, spreading second-growth, of which I saw none, all spire upwards, lifting a dense spear-head of cones to the light and air, at any rate, while their branches straggle after as they may; as Indians lift the ball over the heads of the crowd in their desperate game.

Washing and mending, the alternation of constructive play with active exercise, rhythmic game and song, and last but not least human kindliness and courtesy.

R108660, 12Mar53, Ellery H. Clark, Jr. (C) CLARK, IMOGEN, comp. Suppose we play: a collection of indoor and outdoor games for young and old.

" "What's the matter with Wall Street?" "'Tisn't such a pretty game, and they don't play for their lives.

In 988 the Chinese began negotiations, as a move in their diplomacy, with the ruler of the later realm of the Hsia; in 990 the Kitan also negotiated with him, and they soon became a third partner in the diplomatic game.

He was encouraged to hunt, and sport, and practice all athletic games and exercises with the Nausett and Pequodee youths; and he was presented with such of the arms and ornaments of the lost Tekoa as were deemed suitable to his use, and his unusually tall and muscular figure.

" "Know that you have played a double game," said Avery.

Of whist or cribbage mark th' amusing game; The partners changing, but the sport the same: Else

During the early part of this period it is unwise and dangerous for girls to take part in such strenuous athletic games as basketball, or for boys to indulge in football.

I tell you it's love of gambling brings men here, and it's the splendid stiff game they find going on that keeps them.

Lafe Dorsey, owner of the Y-Bar outfit and to whom belonged the black Thunderbolt horse; Newt Johnson, Dave Stover and "Flip" Williamsthe latter three cowboys on the big Vermejo ranchwere playing a four-handed game of billiards at one of the tables near the front of the place.

441 adjectives to describe  gaming