52 adjectives to describe rapping

" Half an hour later there was a sharp rap at the door, and Allingford, Oaks, and Acton entered the room.

This song, accompanied with loud raps on the table, was bellowed forth in a dreadfully discordant voice; and very soon all the dogs rushed into the room and began to bark and howl most dismally, which seemed to please the old man greatly, for to him it was a kind of applause.

This young woman mounts a lager-beer cask, and stops the buzz of conversation by bringing her mallet down with a smart rap upon the head of the nearest bald-headed gentleman.

There came a rap at the glass door different from all the raps that had forerun ita fearless, but gentle, dignified, graceful rap; and the General, before he looked round, felt in all his veins that it came from the young Madame.

A sharp rapping of knuckles on the door awoke me with a start.

When supper was nearly finished, a loud rapping at the door announced the Doctor.

On arriving, he gave a faint rap, that was responded to by Aunt Rachel, who saluted him with "Oh, yer's come, has yerwipe your feet, child, and come in quick.

And then dull raps on the wall, behind the bed.

Just as he had cut a large slice out of the mutton, there came a tremendous rap at the door.

I had finished my letter to you when a violent rapping at the door made me run downstairs, and who should I see in the drawing-room but Lord Orville!

For at this moment, as a sort of commentary on his self-congratulation, there came a smart rapping at the outer door.

The double rap was her husband's, and the glow on her cheek, and the smile of her lips and eyes when he appeared spoke more plainly than ever: "Anywhere with him!"

Little stonesyes, and splinters, through the windows; they come and hit all round, insiderap, rap, rap!"

Mr. Fullerton: Then it was not the regular triple rap?

This time he succeeded, but his two previous failures had provoked such a storm of laughter that no man present heard a cautious rap on the door.

But just as he expected an answer, a slight rap sounded from the door.

She gave three sharp little raps on the woodwork of the door.

" The silence was broken by a sound as of heavy boots trying to move softly on the stairs, and a subsequent modest rap at the door.

"I wonder whether Smith spilt any of this a-carrying of it in?" He put down the empty mug and made a careful examination of the floor, until a musical rapping on the table brought the landlord into the room again.

You may fetch something a nasty rap if you do.

Within, the master's desk is seen, Deep scarred by raps official; The warping floor, the battered seats, The jackknife's carved initial; The charcoal frescoes on its wall; Its door's worn sill, betraying The feet that, creeping slow to school, Went storming out to playing!

It must have been midnight or past when there came a hammering at Blanche Devine's doora persistent, clamorous rapping.

A discarded boot stood by his side, and his gray-stockinged foot protruded over the edge of the jetty until a passing waterman gave it a playful rap with his oar.

Marry, 'a did reach out his arm full length while thou stood gaping at him, and, with a pretty rap, tumbled thee over as never have I seen one tumbled before."

At that moment, too, there came the sound of significant and methodical rappings at the door.

52 adjectives to describe  rapping