61 adjectives to describe rejoinder

"Can't you see that you are daily making a marriage between us more and more impossible?" was the bitter rejoinder.

" Miss Nugent eyed him wistfully and racked her brains for an appropriate and crushing rejoinder.

" "But you have women-servants, surely?" was the hasty rejoinder.

" "Perhaps you will make it yourself then," was the gracious rejoinder.

" "So would I," was the dry rejoinder, "if I were a millionaire like you.

"I don't mean to tell you anything, Congressman," was the cool rejoinder.

"'Dam!' was the impatient rejoinder.

"Weel-a-wicht!"was the shrewd clever rejoinder of the farmer, who was a keen supporter of the old parish church, "I wad na wonder at that.

" "We are glad to hear the belief of all, on all sides," was the courteous rejoinder.

"Then why should the idea have suggested itself to you," came the cross-examining rejoinder.

It was a delicious dry rejoinder to the question"Are

"Ain't no use telephoning" was the disconsolate rejoinder.

"I am not," was the equally discourteous rejoinder.

" "You bet I can!" was the emphatic rejoinder.

" From Mr. Inglis, clerk of the Court of Session, I have the following Scottish rejoinder: "I recollect my father relating a conversation between a Perthshire laird and one of his tenants.

A harmless rejoinder.

" "Oh, that's all right, Mr. Skale," was his inadequate rejoinder; for the moment the name of the girl was introduced his thoughts instantly wandered out to find her.

" "You're no more a cripple than I am," was Dudley's indignant rejoinder, "why no one would tell anything was the matter with you to look at you.

" "Come right up and let me speak to you," was the insistant rejoinder from above.

Perhaps one might find more suitable subjects of moribund self-congratulation; and I have always rejoiced in the mental picture of the Archbishop, in all the frigid pomp of Political Economy, waving off the Dublin beggar with "Go away, go away; I never give to any one in the street," and receiving the instantaneous rejoinder, "Then where would your reverence have me wait on you?"

But his father, apparently unaware of Marcantonio's turbulent sensations, wore his usual reserved and dignified mien; even the motion he had seemed to make before the columns in the Piazzetta was probably only due to Marcantonio's imagination, and the young fellow's light rejoinder passed unuttered, intensifying his discomfort.

" Elleney made a little inarticulate rejoinder, and turned away.

This remark was thought by some of us to have a hidden personal application, and to afford a fair opening for a lively rejoinder, if the Koh-i-noor had been so disposed.

" "It may be so," was the melancholy rejoinder; "but neither in Italy nor in Germany would this circumstance fail to produce alarm.

"But not that contempt which familiarity breeds, I should imagine," was Sherbrooke's mild rejoinder.

61 adjectives to describe  rejoinder