78 adjectives to describe resolve

Wherefore I have made a firm resolve that if the conditions of German life will not allow room for the development of honest efforts for the good of humanity; if this indifference to all higher things continuesthen it is my purpose next spring to seek in the land of union and independence a soil where my idea of education may strike deep root.

It was a sudden resolve, but I acted upon it.

A desperate resolve began to formulate itself in the brain of Peaches Austin.

They bade them proceed in their brave resolve, proceed with happy omens, and render the issue proportionate to the undertaking: thence to expect consulships and triumphs, all rewards, all honours from them.

The bold resolve of the proconsul to encounter with his best troops the advancing Spaniards, before their appearance should fill up the gap in the blockade, ended unfortunately.

It is queer how a wound, however slight, breaks a man's temper and upsets his calm resolves, I think that then and there I would have been involved in a mellay, had not a voice spoke behind me.

I looked quickly up, but again there was that strange gleam in her eyes, a gleam of sternest resolve I should have called it under other circumstances.

The Queen with every perfect charm displayed Delights the eye, and fills the heart, dismayed With fear, lest the bright phantom may dissolve To airy nothingness, till fierce resolve Fills each who her beholds, while love doth dart From liquid eyes and captivates the heart.

" I blushed as I made a mental resolve that I would punch the head of that youngster when I had a suitable opportunity, and in between my stammering explanations I made notes on the differences between the two girls.

He too, the pilot of the state, deemed it A mad resolve to try the dang'rous feat, And silent sat unnoticed and unknown Upon the other side of that same path, Within a secret bush by that same stream.

But what make you then of the passing away of the storm when Mr. Truelocke began to preach, and of the sweet calm that had fallen on all things when he ended? was that a witness in favour of Quaker madness?' 'Nay, I make nothing of it,' said I; and Aunt Golding added, 'You would not interpret it as a sign of approval granted to Mr. Truelocke for his hasty resolve never to preach to us again?

She ought reasonably to have supposed him, at best, a highwayman; yet the virtuous virgin resolves to run away with him, to live among the banditti, and wait upon his trollop, if she had no other way of enjoying his company.

Passionate resolves to shed him and his blue abomination died within her as she watched his struggles.

I saw the pure resolve, the generous faith, the fine scorn of doubt, the impatience of suspicion.

[Footnote 11: There is no precipitancy hereonly instant resolve and execution.

She did not indicate by word or look that her attitude had changed, but she made a secret resolve to have done with the affair altogether.

With tears and entreaties, and pretty little deprecating speeches, irresolution, timidity, vacillation, perhaps; hardly with heroic resolve to act and dare for his sake.

In the morning she awoke to a definite resolve.

On the other hand, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, and all the old and populous islands, individually and collectively, by legislative resolves, legal enactments, &c. &c.loudly protest that they have not a man to spare!

Twenty months are passed; who shall restore them?" These sorrowful meditations fastened upon his mind; he passed four months, in resolving to lose no more time in idle resolves, and was awakened to more vigorous exertion, by hearing a maid, who had broken a porcelain cup, remark, that what cannot be repaired is not to be regretted.

The moment Mr. Russell and Kew were out of earshot of the inn, Kew made such a violent resolve to speak that he nearly broke a tooth.

Who is not deeply impressed by the thought that, on the 4th of March, at the very hour when Mr. Lincoln, in taking possession of the Presidency at Washington, signified to the attentive world the will of a great republic, determined to arrest the conquests of slavery, the generous head of a great empire signified to his ministers his immutable resolve to prepare for the emancipation of the serfs.

'I'd sooner have fourteen years for perjury, like the Claimant,' said Mrs. Smith, with a grand resolve that, come what might, she would stick to her own money.

Possibly they had not yet crept into my room to perform their horrible resolve.

" "An ill resolve!" muttered her husband.

78 adjectives to describe  resolve