50 adjectives to describe reverse

" I was obliged to admit the force of this reasoning; and, when he proceeded to descant on the former glories and achievements of Asiatic nations, and their sad reverses of fortunewhile he freely spoke of the present degradation and imbecility of his countrymen, he promptly resisted every censure of mine.

Irony is a figure in which the speaker sneeringly utters the direct reverse of what he intends shall be understood; as, "We have, to be sure, great reason to believe the modest man would not ask him for a debt, when he pursues his life.

"Yes; he had staked all upon this last throw, and the sudden reverse came at a moment when his nerves were strained to the utmost, when he was excited with the honour and glory he had achieved.

Marian Halcombe and Laura Fairlie, her half-sister, were, in point of appearance, the exact reverse of each other.

Having been previously to the Epsom summer races, and had such extraordinary good luck, nothing but a severe reverse would have induced me to take the step I did.

o cruel reverse of fortune!

It was not that he intended to abide by his agreement, but he wanted to secure a respite from his temporary reverses.]

The Duke of Wellington was not a clever man; he was a man of simple and honourable mind, with an infinite capacity for patience, persistence, and endurance, so that neither unexpected reverses abroad nor a flood of idle criticism at home could shake him or change him.

I may go further and say that there is some use in occasionally looking upon terrible misfortunessuch as might happen to usas though they had actually happened, for then the trivial reverses which subsequently come in reality, are much easier to bear.

The causes of this painful reverse will be investigated by a military tribunal.

The authority of governor-general, though not the title, was now fully shared by the count of Fuentes, who was sent to Brussels by the king of Spain; and the ill effects of this double viceroyalty was soon seen, in the brilliant progress of Prince Maurice, and the continual reverses sustained by the royalist armies.

We have also to show that Mr. Huxley, under the dominance of his theory, and inadvertently, quotes a good authority as saying the precise reverse of what he really does say.

But no success in subsequent contests could ever have restored her to the preëminence in enterprise, resources, and maritime skill which she had acquired before her fatal reverses in Sicily.

It was also John Wingfield, Sr.'s boast to himself that he had never been beaten, which average mortals with the temerity to say "Nonsense!"that most equilibratory of wordsmight have diagnosed as a bad case of self-esteem finding a way to forget the resented incidental reverses of success.

From there they went forward and plunged into the woods again, defending themselves against the attacks, but endured no inconsiderable reverses in this very operation.

The effect which this incredible reverse produced upon my mind it is impossible to express.

It certainly is not the intense reverse of all that he has most elaborately and carefully scratched out.

Driven from Russia by the junction of human with elemental force, in 1812, he made some grand efforts in the following year to recover from his irremediable reverses.

His conduct in this melancholy reverse of fortune is represented as truly great.

Even domestic losses, which often affect those who are proof against mere reverses of fortune, made no deep impression on the feelings of this cheerful old monarch.

If so,and if Servilius and Andrea, were indeed my progenitors, our family must have suffered the most amazing reverses of fortune; they were venders of fruit, lemonade, and perfumed iced waters, in the streets, but a kind-hearted pair, and for their station, well-informed.

but a minor reverse in the guerilla warfare of her life.

A young poet in the midst of the happiness of nature is described as overwhelmed by the thoughts of the miserable reverses which have befallen the happiest of all men, viz. poets.

inversion &c 218; the opposite, the reverse, the inverse, the converse, the antipodes, the antithesis, the other extreme.

It was for her daughters that she had grown thin and haggard and irritable under the persistent reverses of fortune; it was for them that she was sinking the Grimkie independence in the match-making mother.

50 adjectives to describe  reverse